The “Pinha-Pinhão” Project has the intention to congregate people. People who have a dream in common: live in a better world. People who believe that the man needs a new direction in what concerns the way he thinks and the way he interlace with other people and the nature. It pretends to be a way of convergence to those who have them will, the desire to be agents of the transformation. This is a local contribution to be added to the associations and intentional communities efforts; groups and people all around the world that are putting in practice their proposes of a new society.


Our mind, or best saying, the dominating mental model thinks according to the separation, division and analysis. Because of this model the life fragments itself. The modern quantum physics and the millenarian philosophy share the fact that life, in itself, isn’t divided, is a unity. Life, in itself, remains indivisible, but the mind thinks in fragments. The entire universe is a Cosmic Unit. We are not isolated; we are not like an island. We are inserted in the Existence Ocean, like a wave.
 We were born with this wisdom. Have you ever observed a small child, not yet infected by adults, by the social patterns.... that reflects its divine essence... that looks like pure light?
   By  Anne Geddes               Click here to see others
 A baby, when it born, find itself delighted in realizing the world, in contemplating the existence, in exploring everything that is in its reach.
 A child, while essence, remind us how to live the present moment, here and now. (Children don’t have past, and the future isn’t important for them.)
A child has the ability of extracting happiness from the simple. A small child doesn’t need sophistication and complexity of incentives because it can be delighted by simple pleasures and by a simple life. At the same time, it feels a necessity of expanding, growing, and breaking obstacles. It came to the world to experiment everything, to simply... to live.
A child has innocence. It is about the attitude facing the life that is unprovided of judgment or guilt. The innocence, in the grown man, doesn’t implicate in a guiltless attitude, but in a spiritual knowledge that is in harmony with nature and trusts the universe – acceptation of facts like synchronous events.
 Children know naturally and spontaneously play and have fun. This gift manifests, in the grown man that stills preserves his inner child, with the ability of using the life’s simple elements in a reinvigorating and creative way to have fun and live the moment’s happiness. It allow us to be expansive and free, without the habits attachment that provide limitations; give us humor and happiness in our play, because it doesn’t have the seriousness and oppression. It confronts the adult thinking in the expansion X stagnation, creativity X routine, naturally X convention ways.
 The inner child will manifest itself when we eliminate the obstacles to the self-knowledge, critics and separations, when we have more conscience (click here) of ourselves. The inner child is omniscient, is a reflex of the Universe in us.
 A child is born without frontiers, without a clue of who it is. It’s first contact with the reality that we know occurs when the necessity of surviving is prioritized, to fit in the place that it lives, to have an identity. But, unfortunately, this idea of how the world is and who we are comes from “outside”: someone tells us that we are good looking, intelligent, congenial, sensitive... Someone tell us that we are clumsy, weak, incompetent! We absorb positives and negatives aspects by others interference. We put together an image and never look back inside to see who we really are. We, while unconscious human beings, are an addition of influences: some from our mom, our dad, our friends; others from education, culture, religion, and society. The “outside” is unsatisfied: we should “be someone”, we should “become someone” in order to be accepted, loved, respected, in a model of society that isn’t interested in knowing who we really are.
 Each nature element, a tree, a rock... and a child, while essence, don’t have ego. They don’t have the necessity of “becoming” or “becoming to be”, they simply are. They belong to the existence and understand the whole meaning.
 In order to look for our true inner center we need to go back to the point we were children immerged in the existence. And to do that is necessary that we forget the ideas that we tough were ours, but, actually, are expressions of the collective. So we will initiate a deep transformation that will end in a new direction of every conception we have of ourselves, of our mind, of our body and of our feelings.
A safe way to follow our essence is to put our heart in syntony with the pulsation of the existence in order to absorb from the pure font (nature and child, like essence) everything that is found forgotten in ourselves. The love energy is capable of doing the necessary connection. So it is really urgent to love the child that exists in and outside of us, and love all nature as an extension of us. We need to be humble, because we have a lot to learn with our children and, in another way, to teach them to always keep their pure essence alive.
 The nature and the child are the maximum priority, as we look in this subject, to the next millenium society.
The world would be wonderful
if the man’s heart was directed
by his essence.
 Life’s secret if found in a magic word: simplicity.  And the secret of all the transformation is the humble that the simplicity of being give us.
 A lot of men already lived in this reality, among them some masters that were manipulated and no understood: Jesus, Buda, Maomé, Krishna... others had moments of this knowledge:
( In the future will be setted the original texts )

“If the man think the reality as contituted of independent fragments, your mind will operate in a fragmented way. But, if the man include every part in a unlimited and no interrupted totality, his mind will move in the similar way, in harmony with all things.” (1)  David Bohn
 “Any element keeps inside of itself the totality of the universe.”(2) (or Universe ? )  D. Bohn.
 “When the man thinks this way...” (referring to the fragmented vision that the reality can only be understand if it is dismantled and analyzed in everyone of it’s parts) “... it is inevitable that he wants to defend his own ego’s necessities against the ego’s necessities of others; and, if he identify himself with a group of people with the same personality, he will defend this group in the similar way. He can’t think seriously in the humanity as a basic reality, in which its necessities come in the first place. Even if he try to consider the human necessities, he will see it separated from the nature, and so it goes.”(3) D. Bohn
“What we see immediately actually is a superficial aspect... what we denominate of real things are actually small waves that have their place, but that took place of  the a whole."(4)  Renèe Weber
“It is becoming each time more evident that the human beings can act in a lot of conscience areas, going through the limits of their physical body, the reach of their sensible organs and the Newton’s features of space and time.” (5)    Stanislav  Grof
“Sometime I feel like I am spreaded in the scenery and at the same time, inside the things, and I am living in each three, in the wave’s sprinkles, in the clouds and in the animals that come and go, following the seasons.”(6)   Carl Gustav  Jung
“Even if for the common reason it‘s unconceivable... you and all the conscience human beings are reciprocally  integrated. So, this actual life of yours isn’t just a part of all the existence, but, in certain way, is a whole... That way, you can throw yourself at the floor, spreaded on the Mother Earth, with the conviction that you are unique with her and she with you.” (7)     E. Schoedingen
“I realized, suddenly, how something obvious, that... we all were responsible one for each other, not only on the social responsibility’s superficial way, but because, in a understandable way, we participate of the same identity substance, in the same way as siamese twins or vases that intercommunicate.” (8) Arthur  Koestler

 “Inner child’s archetype: “Totality that includes the nature roots.” (Jung)
“The modern man doesn’t understand how much his “rationalism” (that destroyed his capacity of reacting to ideas and  “numinosos”symbols) let him on the dependence of the psychic “under world”. Got free from the “superstitions” (or at least thinks that he did), but in this process he lost his spiritual values in an alarming scale. His moral and spiritual traditions disintegrated and, because of it, he pays now a high price in the terms of universal disorientation and dissociation.”
“In the same proportion that the scientific knowledge increases, the human feeling of our world decreases.  The man feels isolated in the universe because he isn’t involved with the nature and he lost by little  his personal “unconscious emotion identification” with the natural phenomenons. And those phenomenons lost their symbolic implications.(....) Rocks, plants and animals already don’t have “voices” to talk to the man, and the man doesn’t pay attention to them anymore. It’s over the contact of the man with the nature, and with himself, it’s gone the deep emotional energy that this symbolic connection supplied too.” (9) Carl G. Jung
“Poetic and mysterious child-God fill with promises and possibilities, renaissances and refreshings, the most sublime, the better quality in each one of us.” (10) Jeremiah Abraham


(1) (2) and (3) – A Totalidade e a Ordem Implicada, David Bohn (physic), Ed. Cultrix, SP.
(4) – The Enfolding – Unfolding Universe : A Conversation with David Bohn. Reneé Weber, Re-vision, 1, no 3 and 4 (1978). P48.
(5) – Modern Consciousness Research and the Quest for a New Paradigm. Stanislav Grof ( psychologist ). Re-vision, 2, no 1 (1979) P48.
(6) – Memories, Dreams, Reflections, C.G. Jung ( psychiatryst ). Aniela Jaffe (New York, Random House, 1985) pp.225-26.
(7) – My View of the World. Erwin Schoedinger ( quantum mechanic founder )  (London : Cambridge University Press, 1964). P21.
(8) – Darkness at Noon. Arthur Koestler ( journalist) . (New York: Signet Classics, 1961) P. XIX.
(9) – O Homem e seus Símbolos. C.G. Jung. Editora Nova Fronteira (pg. 94 and 95).
(10) – Reclaiming the Inner Child . Jeremiah Abraham. Editora Cultrix.


The New Alchemy To Turn You On, OSHO (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Ed. Cultrix, SP.
Meditation;  The First and Last Freedom, OSHO (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh). Shanti Editora.
Emergence of the Divine Child - Healing the Emotional Body. Rick Phillips. Editora Pensamento, SP.
Various homepages on the Internet.

( With fundamental assistance of Paulo Schimmelpfeng )