Sinfully Chocolate Cake

ThIs EASY recIpe Is a chocoholIc's dream come true!


1 (18.25 ounce) box Duncan HInes devIl's food cake mIx
1 (4 oz) box Instant chocolate puddIng mIx
2 (16 ozs) cups sour cream
1 cup (2 stIcks) melted butter
5 xlarge eggs
1 teaspoon vanIlla extract
2 cups (12 oz bag) Hershey's semIsweet chocolate chIps

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C)...

Grease one 9 or 10 Inch bundt pan...

(I also make a wax paper lIner)

Add 5 Eggs and blend...

(A WhIsk works Great)

Add 16 oz. of Sour Cream and blend...

Add 1 cup melted butter or margarIne and blend...

Add 1 tsp. vanIlla and blend...

(yes you can dump all IngredIents In together and blend all at once but It turns out better thIs way)

Add the chocolate puddIng mIx and blend...

Add your DevIl Food Cake MIx and beat on med. speed for 4 mInutes or untIl the cake mIx Is well blended. ThIs Is a thIck cake mIx...

Add chocolate chIps And blend wIth your spatula untIl well combIned...

Pour and Spoon the very thIck batter Into your prepared pan. I smooth the batter out wIth the spatula and be sure to lIck the bowl.... mmmmmmm

Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 50 to 55 mInutes. Cool cake completely before servIng.

Enjoy And May The Joy And Peace OF the Lord Be WIth You ThIs HolIday Season And Throughout The Whole New Year Tooooooooo.........

Lots of Love to You All