Denise Kellan

Well...Hello, my name is Denise as you know by now. I am half and half (an oreo) My mom is white and dad is day I will have a pic. so I won't tell you wha tI look like..I like surprises...~Denise~



Cosmo (of course)



I have no real hobbies unless you count my son a hobby. *s* (can shopping be one?) My interests...well I love music, and I like to keep up on fashion and makeup and on and on ...(just women stuff)  you know..............

Well my famliy...Like I said..I'm married, his name is Jason, hes a good guy, I think I will keep him. *lol* And my 2 year old son who seems to be going thru the 'terrible 2s" and good thing hes almost to 3..(if he makes it to there) I do love him though, with all I have..he is the best thing that could have ever happened to me..also.....I have a little brother that is 8 going to be 9 soon..hes  pretty cool..hes just my half brother but I have all the love for him the same. And then there is my mother and step father..i love them both, no matter.......*s*

I have LOTS of friends...maybe will make own page for them....