SCVCEBC Canary Band Information
Canary bands are available to our club members in lots of 10. Band prices for 2009 are $7.50 per string of 10, shipping included. Note the smaller quantity size this year, make sure you order enough!
Paper Order Form (print and mail with check)
Electronic Order Form (submit form and pay online)
The bands are metal and seamless, they can only be put on when the bird is a small chick (6-8 days old) and cannot be transfered. The band color changes each year and rotates through this order: blue, silver, orange, purple, green, red. The color for 2009 is red.
The bands have our club code SC and the year, eg. 09. Bands for the new year are not available until January and will not be mailed until then even if you order early. The standard canary band colors are used each year. These are generic canary bands for registering your birds with our club. If your bird is ever lost or stolen, it might be traced back to you if found. A club code has a better chance of being traced than a private code you might custom order for yourself. Our club buys bands in large quantities, so buying from us will save you money and allow you to buy a small amount, plus support our club!
Our bands do not indicate the breed of canary, so if there is a society for your breed that issues bands, you should consider ordering those instead. Check our list of Society Affiliations or check with the National Cage Bird Show organization list of affiliated clubs for society contact information.
To learn more about bird bands, read Interpreting Bird Bands
If you are not already a member for the year you are ordering bands for, include a Membership Application. One check can be written for membership and your band order.
For questions about your order, contact: