Use this form only if you want to join and pay electronically! If you prefer to send a check in the mail, then don't submit this form, print and send our Printable Commercial Application instead.
A membership fee of $50.00 per year provides the same benefits as regular membership, as well as a business card ad in our monthly newsletter and a quarter-page ad in the annual show catalog. We will contact you in late summer for your show catalog ad, which can be upgraded to a larger size for an additional fee (credit will be given for the quarter page ad if upgraded.)
Dues cover membership from January 1st to December 31. Any business joining after October will be considered paid for the following year. Renewals must be paid by Feb 15th each year.
Application is hereby made for Commercial Membership in the Santa Clara Valley Canary and Exotic Bird Club. Enclosed is $50.00 for one year.
If you have comments, please email them separately to: