NCBS Show Rules

NCBS Show Rules

  1. Entry fee shall be $1.00 per cage. Birds for sale will be entered with secretary at $1.00 for each bird.

  2. Separate entry forms are required for each Division. Each exhibitor assumes responsiblity for the legality of his entry.

  3. Entry Forms must be completely filled out and are to be used as follows:
    White - to Show Secretary by 9 p.m. THURSDAY. Secretaries' books are assembled Thursday night.
    Pink - to show hall with entries prior to 7 a.m. FRIDAY.
    Yellow - exhibitor copy used for checkout SATURDAY after banquet.

  4. Entries will be received at the show hall Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. All entry forms must be in by 9 p.m. Thursday. Entered birds may be brought to the show hall between 6 and 7 a.m. Friday. Judging starts promptly at 9 a.m. Friday. American Singers require all entries be made prior to 9 p.m. Thursday.

  5. To compete in unflighted classes, all entries must be birds bred and banded with a recognized, current year, traceable, closed band and owned by the exhibitor. Secretaries please send band numbers of your members to the secretary of the National Show.

  6. All entries must be bona fide property of the exhibitor at least thirty (30) days before the show. To compete for the Higgins Trophy, all birds must be bred and banded by the exhibitor, except for Finches and Parrots, which need not be banded, and the exhibitor must be a member of the National Show prior to beginning of judging. Higgins winners and band numbers will be published in the NCBS journal.

  7. Any birds purchased from a judge cannot be shown in a National Show under that judge within a year.

  8. All birds with open bands or unbanded, or banded with unrecognized or non-realily traceable closed bands, just compete in the old (open) classes.

  9. No more than one band is allowed per bird for those requiring leg bands.

  10. Only one bird in a cage may be shown except in "Finch Pairs" in Section under "Finches and Softbills."

  11. The National Board reserves the right to interpret all rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard thereto, and also reserves the right to amend and add to these rules. All complaints must be written and submitted with a $10 fee to the National Board of Directors prior to the completion of the Scannell judging.

  12. Show management has the right to add, combine or withdraw classes as the number of entries dictate.

  13. Every possible attention will be given the care of the birds, but the National Cage Bird Show, Inc. and sponsoring clubs will not be responsible for any accident, mistake, loss or damage that may occur to to any exhibit.

  14. All birds must be checked on entering and leaving the show room. After the birds are entered and checked in they are under the care of the show management and are not to be handled except by permission of the show manager. If waterers or feeders are removed for judging by the stewards, they should be replaced by the stewards. If this has not been done, the exhibitor should notify the show management and have it done by those responsible for handling the exhibit.

  15. Cage bottoms should be covered with a regular seed mixture relative to the particular species. American Singers use white paper.

  16. No identification, signs or display advertising will be allowed on or about any cage until after the birds are judged.

  17. Specials given for club bands or membership will not be awarded unless exhibitor's eligibility is indicated on entry form.

  18. Judging by daylight or Vitalite or equivalent as the situation necessitates.

  19. The judges have the right to withhold awards if they feel the bird does not warrant them and check bands after judging for bred and banded by exhibitor.

  20. Entries may be checked out 1/2 hour after Banquet Saturday night and at 7 a.m. Sunday. Checkout procedures will be announced at the Banquet.

  21. All judges' decisions are final.

  22. Only a judge had the authority to reclassify birds after the birds have been entered.

  23. Cut off time for judging shall be 7 p.m. and, if the Division is not finished, judging will resume the following morning.

  24. No birds will be removed from their individual cages, except by the Chief Steward, while still entered and under the control of the National Cage Bird Show.

  25. Colorbred canaries will be judged by the point system.

  26. You must be a member of the National Cage Bird Show prior to judging to compete for the Higgins Trophies.


  1. Entries must be on a separate entry blank and so designated YOUTH DIVISION.

  2. All entry sheets must be turned in to the secretaries by Thursday evening.

  3. All birds must be entered and in the show room by 7:30 Friday morning.

  4. Judges will be at their judge's stands and be ready to start at 8:00 AM Friday.

  5. Only one bird from each section will qualify for the finals.

  6. The winner will be selected by the judges who have a bird in the finals and scoring will be done the same as in the regular show, using a scorecard to rank the finalists.