Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
April 8, 1973
Pot-luck: 1 P.M. Meeting 1:45 P.M.
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
corner of Washington & Bellomy Sts., Santa Clara
Dear Members,
Enclosed is the long awaited membership list. Sure hope I haven't made any boo-boos, but if I did, please call me & I'll make the correction in the next newsletter.
This month's program will be a very interesting slide show, “Nature & Wild Birds” by Mrs. Louise Blakely of the Audubon Society.
This meeting we are starting a membership drawing and you must be present to win. The drawing will start out with $5.00 and each month if it has not been won, $2.00 will be added. Come to the meeting, it might prove to be worthwhile.
Leonard Quieto has accepted to become the Red Factor Judge for our Dec. show.
August 12th has been set as the date for our annual BBQ to be held this year at Oak Meadows Park in Los Gatos. This year tickets will be sold in advance, so save this date. We always have a great time.
Something special for this month's pot-luck, all the men are to bring fried chicken. Women who are a single membership please bring (A-H) dessert, (I-P) salad, (Q-Z) hot dish. Please bring your own tableservice.
Don't forget to bring something for the raffle.
2 female Honeycreepers | 1 pr. white zebras |
1 male white-eyed finch (zosterops) | 2 society finches |
1 female white headed nun | 2 pr. normal grey zebras |
1 male silverbill | 1 pr. white zebras |
2 male lizards call Russ DeCicco
A REMINDER: Sunday May 13th, our regular meeting day is Mother's Day so our meeting will be changed to May 20th.
Hope to see you the 8th,
Delilah Quieto