Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
April, 1975
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
Pot Luck 1:00 P.M. Meeting 1:45
Dear Members,
Now that the dues have been collected and memberships established we will proceed with getting the membership roster organized and printed. If there are any members who would not want their names and telephone numbers given out to non-members for any reason we will *star your name on the roster. Call Delilah before April 9th if you want privacy from phone calls. If you cannot call we will star your names when the roster is completed by publishing the name in the newsletter at a later date.
This month's meeting will feature Jim Machado, the topic will be DISEASES OF BIRDS. If you have any questions concerning the welfare of your birds bring them along and Jim will answer them for you. The meeting is slated for April 13th.
Bands are still available to members of the club, if interested call Leonard.
Phil Dubois has been appointed our delegate to the A.F. of A. American Federation of Aviculture. Individual members who subscribe to the A.F. of A. will receive legal assistance whenever necessary. This would pertain to problems dealing with neighborhood where members reside. Any problem dealing with birds etc. would be handled. See Phil for details.
Four (4) pair of Zebra Finches. Round parakeet cage and stand $15.
Call C. LeDoux
Six (6) Bird Feeders, bird baths for sale, see Leonard.
Pair of LADY GOULD FINCHES see Charlotte Le Doux.
Helful Hints
Use two 2 tablespoons of Listerine to a gallon of water,
ideal for canary baths.
For the Pot Luck will the following people bring
A-G Dessert H-R Salad S-Z Hot Dish
Bring an item for the Raffle
We look forward to seeing all the new members at the next meeting. Welcome to the club.
Happy Bird Breeding,