Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
April 3, 1977
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
Pot-luck: 1:00 P.M.
Meeting: 1:45 P.M.
A-G Bring Salad
H-P Bring Hot dish
Q-Z Bring Dessert
Dear Members,
Just a brief newsletter so you can use the extra time to read the copy of the very urgent letter enclosed.
The club wishes to thank Dianne Klyn for inviting Dr. Maurice Metcalfe to speak at our last meeting. He spoke on the diseases of birds and he especially went into detail on the Newcastle disease, which is uppermost in our minds at the present time.
This month we'll be having as our speakers, Allen Thompson (Hookbills) and Chuck Arella (Finches), both will be giving general information needed for the raising and caring of these types of birds.
Please add these names to your membership list, rejoining are Jim Machado, Exotics; George & Marie Day, Parakeets. List Luiz Drummond as raising Canaries, Finches, Quail, Doves & Pigeons. We are happy to welcome to the club Mike & Maureen Chube of Concord, they raise Canaries & Finches. Please correct on your roster, Howard Hansel's area code to read (415).
The club has voted to take part in the Pet Faire to be held at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st & 2nd. Chuck Arella will again be the chairman, assisted by Marcia & Lytton Hetland.
Ed Shmalz has volunteered to be the publicity chairman for this year. Thanks Ed!
Those bringing items for the raffle this month are Allen Thompson, Marie Day & George Santos.
REMINDER: May meeting will be Sunday, May 1st.
** TRADE **
Double Yellow Head Parrott for Cockatiels and/or Canaries.
Call Mary Volpe 246-1753
*** WANTED ***
1 male Shaft Tail, call Dianne Klyn (415) 797-6171
2 male Peachface, call Allen 255-2485
* * FOR SALE * *
Parakeet nesting boxes, call Allen Thompson 255-2485
Not mentioned in enclosed letter, but relayed to us by our A.F. of A. delegate, Phil Dubois, "The A.F. of A. put $8,000 Friday, plus $5,000 on hold, but the whole court procedure will cost $6,000 more." So PLEASE, after reading the letter and you would like to send a donation, mail it to Leonard Quito and a receipt will be returned for tax deduction purposes. Something has to be done about this outrage!
Delilah Quieto
RE: February 1977 "outbreak" of exotic Newcastle Disease (VVND) in California and Virginia causing the eradication of flocks (pet shops, breeding farms, collections, and in one case in San Diego... a private pet parrot boarded at a local pet store while the owner's husband was dying of cancer.) in 19 states including California and Virginia where the first cases were positively identified.
The current USDA program of eradication (extermination of birds) subjects all birds that are "suspect" of contact with the disease to condemnation by USDA immediately, and the owner is compensated at a later date for the appraised value of the bird. "Suspect" includes any bird introduced into your flock from a known infected flock from certain dates determined by the USDA as a "proper" incubation period. All birds in your collection will be killed!
A.F.A. has taken the position that captive breeding programs of rare birds and endangered species should not be destroyed without proof of infection. On March 9, AFA took action by filing in Federal Court, Los Angeles, California, a request for a temporary restraining order halting the slaughter of birds here and in all fifty states. The case was continued until March 19, and contrary to meetings held between USDA and California State Department of Aviculture officials and officers of the A.F.A. on March 8, the California collections were killed. As our witnesses would now have to come from out of state, the A.F.A. was granted a continuance until April 11 by Judge Matt Byrne (The Ellsberg Papers Judge.) A motion by Federal and State Attorneys for dismissal was denied because he felt that we had "trialable issues."
A.F.A. contends that quarantine, swab testing, and research in a suitable vaccination for VVND is the only way to protect our birds and feels the best possible way to change the current USDA policy of indiscriminate eradication is to have it settled once and for all in a Federal Court of Law.
For the first time, A.F.A. is asking all members of all clubs to donate $1.00 in order to make a "real" Federal Case of the eradication program and the indiscriminate and continuing "waste" of taxpayer dollars.
Thank you for your support,
Lee Horton
American Federation of Aviculture