Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
Peterson Jr. High School, Sunnyvale
El Camino & Ham Streets

Next Meeting: Sunday, April 8, 1984

Pot Luck - 1:00 P.M.
Meeting - 1:45 P.M.

A - G Dessert
H - P Main Dish
Q - Z Salad

Please bring your own table service.

PROGRAM: Dr. Richard Turner, from Lodi, Calif., will come speak to us about avian diseases and treatments and whatever else is on his mind about birds for 30-45 minutes followed by a chance for questions and answers. This one is NOT TO BE MISSED, Folk. Dr. Turner kept Leonard Quieto glued to his chair with interest when Leonard heard him talk and that's some kind of record! I can hardly wait!

Incidentally, the program will immediately follow lunch this time 'cause it's a long drive back to Lodi. It is the consensus of the Board that we should return to that format on a permanent basis. When we have the business meeting first, we tend to take up too much time and then have to squeeze the program and then the members who come from a distance have to leave before the program is complete. So let's try switching it round, goodies first, then business.

WORK PARTY: You will recall, I trust, that we agreed to offer to do the labor of separating, with paper cutters, the 1983 A.F.A. calendars that were left over in return for being allowed to keep 100 sets of the resultant suitable for mounting bird pictures. A.F.A. accepted our offer with joy and thanks; and 3000 calendars in 12 boxes, weighing at 45 pounds each now repose in my garage. Please sign up to participate in the work party so we can get the job done with speed, efficiency and fun! I was going to print that correspondence for you but the membership chairman has put the roster on three pages so my verbiage is limited this month!

SILENT AUCTION: Will be held this month ('cause your editor forgot to mention it last month, oops, sorry!) many thanks to Augie Teixeira, Ralph Barnes, Barry Cohen and Gilbert Cocchetto for remembering to bring auction items anyway as well as all you lovely people who bought items to fill the raffle table. Now, for the rest of us, bring an item suitable for auction (preferable bird related but not necessarily) and we'll set 'em up on a table with a sheet of paper in front of each item and then we'll all write our bids on the list. You can keep going back and raising your bid as often as you like until time is called. No sharp weapons allowed! We'll close the bidding after the program and just before the business meeting.

MAY MEETING: Just a reminder that our May meeting will be held the FIRST Sunday of May to avoid conflict with Mother's Day.

JUDGES FOR THE 1984 SHOW: Red Factors: Mr. Charles Hudson of Seattle, Washington; Type Canaries: Dr. David S. Guinn of Yorktown, Indiana; Domestics: Mr. Joe Gordon of Sunnyvale, Ca.; Exotic Hookbills and Finches: Mr. Dale Thompson of No. Hollywood, Ca.; Budgies: Mr. John "Vic" DeVictoria of Cupertino, Ca.; American Budgies: to be announced.

SICK CALL: Rosemary Gordon has been very seriously ill, had major surgery, is home from the hospital now and started her therapy yesterday. She's putting up a good fight but still needs the help of all our prayers.

Also, Bill Cooper is in Kaiser Hosp in So. S.F. with a very stubborn pneumonia. He's finally off the critical list but will continue to be hospitalized for at least another week and full recovery is expected to take some time. A quick prayer or two in that direction wouldn't hurt a bit.

AWARD Proposal: After reports from the Trophy Chairman, the Board recommended that it be proposed t he membership that: A. SCVC&EBC adopt specially designed 2 inch medallions as the Division Awards for the General Show. B. that the design combine a bird motif with the lettering of the Club name. C. that the Medallions be Gold for 1st, Silver for 2nd and Bronze for 3rd in Division. D. that the commitment be made to use these Medallions for a period of a minimum of 3 years due to the original one time cost of making up the dies. E. that the Committee continue to search for suitable bird design items for major awards, i.e. Best Red Factor, Best Type, Best Hookbill etc. F. that Sponsors be billed for the actual cost of the Special Awards. This proposal was presented at the March meeting, discussed at length, voted upon and the motion carried. Since this proposal now becomes Club policy, it is presented here just so that everyone will have it in writing.

WANTED: Mature Amazon hens. Mature Blue & Gold Macaw male or other male Macaws. Call Frank or Darlene.

FOR SALE: Sell out show cages: for canaries, (Yorkshire & Frills and Red Factors) Parakeets and Finch. Mary Volpe.

FOR SALE: Pacific wire Breeding Cages 17 inch x 11 inch x 9 ¾ inch. $7.00 each. George Santos.

For Sale: Fire finches, Pekin Robins, Orange cheeks, Bronze Wings, Cutthroats, Napoleon Wavers, Orange Weavers, Green Singers, Gold breasted, Strawberrys, Cordon Blue, Blue Caps, Pintail Wydahs, Beebee Parrots, Senegal parrots (2), Baby African Greys (2), Bourkes, Blue Masked Lovebirds, Blue & Gold Macaw (female), Indian Ringneck (female), call Erwin after 4 PM or weekends.

LOST: Will whoever borrowed one of my black wire, red plastic bottom canary breeding cages please bring it back? Yes, Barry, I know you brought one back but somebody else borrowed one too and I can't remember who it was. Pat McM.

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