Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
Peterson Jr. Hi School, Sunnyvale
Ham St. and El Camino Real
August 8, 1982

Pot Luck - 1:00 P.M.
Meeting - 1:45 P.M.

A - G Dessert
H - P Hot Dish
Q - Z Salad

People can be divided into three groups: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

The Club owes Carol Roston a vote of thanks and gratitude for the long hours and work she contributed as Chairman of our booth at the Pet Show at Moscone Center. Her committee worked long hours at the Show, but it was a Big disappointment that so few members contributed time or birds for the affair. We had a nice display but it could have been much better with a little more cooperation and more birds from the members.

The following contributed time, labour and birds:
Carol & Jan Roston
Ruth & Glenn Mitchell
Reno Xerri
Gordon & Zoe Ann Janowsky
Erwin Klockemann
Nikkie McClatchie
Pat McMullan
Jim Coffman
Naomi Cisper

Ron Fournier took pictures of our booth area.

RAFFLE: Bird donation - George Santos (only one signed up)

NEXT EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: at the home of Gordon & Zoe Ann Janowsky, August 20th - 7:30 p.m.

Now is the time to start checking your baby birds for possible entries in the Feather Show to be held at the Mayfield Mall Sept 11th and 12th. (Map to be in next Newsletter). Open to all members. Hookbills do not have to be '82 birds.

"A Bird Affaire" Hall of Flowers, San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Sept 25 & 26, sponsored by S.F. bird breeders. Do you have excess birds or equipment? Sell them at the Bird Affaire in S.F. You can join forces with other bird breeders & jointly rent a booth. We sold many of our birds last year at this event. Booths are available - $60. & $80. for two days. Contact Wayne Arthur.


European Gold Finches - Gilbert Cecchetto

Canaries: Border babies '82; two pair of Belgium 1980 & 1981, one (1) Northern Frill '82; one (1) Belgium baby '82; one pair of Northern Frills '80 - '81. Reasonable prices, call Freddie Tejano.

A seminar sponsored by Western Bird Breeders will be held August 22nd 9 a.m. - 4:30 P.M. Homestead Savings & Loan, 5757 Geary, San Francisco. Speaker: Bob Mock - Hapsburg Aviaries, Seattle, Washington. $25.00. Reservations should be made by August 12the. Check or money order payable to WBBC - Mock Seminar. Plenty of Parking!

Junior breeder 15-21 yrs $12.50
Sr. Citizens $12.50
Under 15 yrs free

Subjects to be covered:

  1. Basis of bird care.
  2. Nutrition and stress.
  3. Techniques of breeding.
  4. Hand feeding and care of baby bird.
  5. Nursing care and diagnotic procedures.
  6. Techniques of hand training.

Better contact Ruth Mitchell NOW!!

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