Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
December 12, 1976
Pot-luck 1:00 P.M. Meeting 1:45 P.M.
Show time is over and a very successful show season for all clubs. This year all clubs increased their entries. At our show there were 30 club members who showd 576 birds, and 13 non members who showed 150 birds and 6 people who showed 52 budgies, for a total of 778 entries. Here is a break down on what was showed Budgies 52, NonRed NonType 56, Exotics 148, Red Factors 216, Type 272.
A big thank you to Joe Gordon, Show Director, and his show managers. To list all the people who made our show the success it was would take the whole newsletter. From our president comes a "THANK YOU ALL".
The club is furnishing Kentucky Fried Chicken for our Dec. meeting.
A-M bring dessert, N-Z bring salad. Bring your own table service.
There will be a gift exchange. Each man is to bring a gift for a man, not to exceed $2.50 and each woman to bring a gift for a woman not to exceed $2.50.
Charlotte LeDoux, Emil Jacobson, Glenn Mitchell, will be donating birds for the raffle.
Leonard Quieto has the 1977 bands already and they will be available after Dec. 26. Your 1977 dues have to be paid before you can get them.
The new officers are:
Lorraine Di Maria
Allen Thompson is looking for Bule or Black Masked Love birds.
For Sale One pair of Cut throats - L. DiMaria.