Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
Peterson Jr. Hi School, Sunnyvale
El Camino & Ham Street

Next Meeting: December 11, 1983

Pot Luck 1:00 P.M.
Meeting 1:45 P.M.

A - M Main Dish
M - Z Salad

Please bring your own table service.

Next board meeting: At the Hansels
Friday, December 30th, 1983, 7:30 P.M.
Combined - New and old boards

Program: Elections for 1984 followed by Christmas gift exchange.

Elections: The nominations committee presents:
President: Joe Gordon
Vice President: Bud Reller
Secretary: Mary Schreiber
Treasurer: Glenn Corlew
Newsletter: Pat McMullan
One Board seat per each 10 members.
immediate past-president is automatically a Member of the Board
Vote for six
Delilah Quieto
Nikkie McClatchie
Glenn Mitchell
Ron Mercer
Dudley Cox
Ralph Barnes
Naomi Cisper
Margaret Roche

The floor will be open to nominations at the meeting. If you'd like to run for office or to nominate someone else (WITH that person's consent - we're not allowed to elect someone behind his back!), be SURE and come to the meeting and speak your piece, or hold your peace for 1984!

Christmas: To participate in the exchange, bring a gift in the $5.00 range and mark it ladies, gentlemen, or either.

Reminder: Dues for 1984 ($18.00 per family) are due and payable.

The traditional "gift" to the school for the use of the hall must be voted on at the December meeting. The Board recommens $300.00.

AD: This friend of mine is not an SCVC member but is a member of two other of the clubs I belong to. She collected names and addresses of people who are interested in joining a club (at the Bird Affaire in Sept.) and forwarded a copy to me so we caan send newsletters to the folk who are in our area. Laurella Desborough, you are an efficient, caring lady and I'm glad I know you. Laurella has Red (Muluccan) Lories, a surgically sexed pair. She will be moving out of state soon and doesn't want the pair broken up so is looking for a breeder to take 'em on. $300 or trade. She'll be taking her psittacines with her but doesn't relish the idea of auto travel wih Lories!


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