Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
February 13, 1972
Pot-luck: 1 P.M. Meeting 1:45 P.M.
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
corner of Washington & Bellomy Sts., Santa Clara

Dear Member:

With the new year beginning and many notes to send on to you, without further ado, I shall begin.

Enclosed you are receiving the new set of By-laws; please read them as there are several changes.

Bands have arrived and after paying your dues you can get them from Leonard Quieto. Please call him before the day of the meeting and he will have your order ready for you to pick up when you come to the club. The bands are 5˘ each.

A membership list will be sent out in April. To make this of further value, those who wish, please send me a list of the variety of birds you raise and this will be included with your name, address and phone number. For this to be included on the membership list, I will have to have the information by April 1st when the dues are also to be paid.

We will be having a pot-luck promptly at 1P.M. Those who do not wish to come that early are encouraged to come at 1:45 P.M. when the meeting will begin.

Pat O'Donnell, our hostess, will be contacting you to see what you're bringing. Please bring your own tableservice. We will also be having our regular raffle. How about bringing something worthwhile to encourage the sale of tickets. This is really needed to keep building our “Kitty”.

In case anyone would like to know, our show expenses amounted to over $1,200.00.

Thanks to all who worked so hard to make our show such a success. By the way, we have received confirmation of the article and pictures I sent in will be in the April issue of Cage-Bird Magazine. Look for the complete list of winners.

Our heartfelt sympathy is sent to Fannie Clark who lost her husband this past month and to Hal Scurlock who lost his mother.

This meeting should be most interesting as there will be a discussion of “how to condition your birds for breeding season”; there will also be a question and answer period. Dutch Frills will be shown and talked about.

Hope to see you Sunday, Feb. 13th
Delilah Quieto

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