Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
Peterson Jr. High School, Sunnyvale
El Camino & Ham Streets

Next meeting: January 9, 1983

Pot Luck 1 P.M.

A - G Salad
H - P Dessert
Q - Z Hot Dish

Please bring your own table service

Included in this newsletter is an evaluation/questionaire with regard to the 1982 show. Please complete the form and return it to Howard Hansel. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, PLEASE. The show takes a full year of planning and the new show manager NEEDS your input in order to create a show to make everyone proud and happy

December Election Results:
President Howard Hansel
Vice Pres. Ron Mercer
Sec. Mary Schreiber
Treas. Glann Corlew
Newsletter Pat McMullan
Board Ron Fournier
Bud Reller
Nikkie McClatchie
Glenn Mitchell
Chuck Arella
Delilah Quieto
Dudley Cox
Past Pres. Joe Gordon

1983 Canary Bands are in and can be ordered from Leonard Quieto. Note: You MUST have paid your dues in order to sue club bands. ALSO, dues ($12.00) must be paid by February meeting in order to be included in the 1983 roster.

The next executive board meeting will be held at the Hansels on January 28, 1983 at 7:30 P.M.

Please give your attention to the financial report included here. Everything's going UP! One way to make sure we can afford a show next year is to support the monthly raffles. Bring birds and bird related items. The December raffle was super. Keep up the good work.

Did you all catch the analysis of the nutritional content of pollen as collected from bees in last April/May issue of "WATCHBIRD"? I've been bending ears about it for most of this year, but a copy of my letter to the author is included for those of you wthat I have missed. I've since given some to a friend's cockatoo - who loved it! Make friends with your local bee keeper and try to work a deal for getting a supply. Franklin Bee Supply in San Jose carries it but it's expensive. Bee people have clubs just as bird people do and some arrangements may be made by contacting them.

The only person who is definitely bringing a bird for the raffle in January is Pat McMullan. We'll have the sign up sheet at that meeting, but 'twould be nice if a few others would join me in January?

The Charter Meeting of the San Francisco Avicultural Society will be held on Saturday, Jan. 8, 1983, at 1PM in the Science Building at San Francisco State University, Room 101. Anyone interested is welcome.

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