Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
July 13, 1969
Dear Member,
On July 13th at 1:00 P.M., our bird club will again meet and have a pot-luck a the home of Frank & Pearl Davis. We would sure like to see you come. During our meetings we have been having some great discussions on the birds; discussing everything from color-breeding to egg-bound hens. Do you have something you'd like to talk about or do you have a bird problem you need help with? Come and maybe we can help you. Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert. Please bring your own table service.
Frank & Pearl are both doing well after their stay in the hospital.
Irene Gama is on the mend after her major surgery and hopes to make this meeting.
For the August meeting, we have in the planning stage a barbeque to be held at one of the city parks in San Jose. (Map to be sent later.) Steak, beans, toss salad and garlic bread will be the menu for the day. We are giving some notice ahead so you will be able to plan to be with us. Guests are welcome.
We're still accepting money for the Trophy Fund and also $2.00 for the Breeders List in the show catalog. Be sure to state the kinds of birds to be listed under your name.
If you have any news or bird items for sale, call me or write and I will include it on the next notice I send out.
Delilah Quieto