Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
July 13, 1980

PICNIC 11:30 --- ????

A - M Dessert
N - Z Hors d'oeuvres

I hope that all of you are singing "God Bless America" and meaning it! Remember - we may not like all the things that go on in our country - but it's still the only country in the world where the individual has his FREEDOM!!!


Your reservations should all be in by now; if, by chance your's is not, you better contact Jim Mocko immediately. The date - July 13, 1980. The place Lakewood Park, Sunnyvale - just follow the map. Please remember to bring something useful for the raffle table, and as always, birds will be most welcome. Members' steaks are free, children's hot-dogs are free, GUESTS pay $6.50 each. Coffee will be provided. Hors d'oeuvres will be ready at 11:30 and dinner at 1:00. Jim will appreciate anyone coming early to help "set up". EVERYONE COME AND HAVE FUN!

Remember our Annual Feather Show, September 13 & 14 at the Mayfield Mall. Members only may show birds and you must show this year's hatch - with the exception of large psittacines. John and Janet Gilleo are our co-chairmen again. If you have any questions - contact them.

At the last meeting our president suggested we put out an informative book-type magazine with articles and/or pictures provided by our own club members. He sincerely hopes you have given this project some serious thought.

The next two Board Meetings are: July 25 at The Hansel's in Los Altos. August 29 at the Skirrow's in Belmont.

Regarding the AFA Convention in Las Vegas August 20 - 24 inclusive, will those of you who have already signed up (and any others who may have decided to attend) please see me at the picnic and I will explain about your room and plane reservations. I might add also that if any of you are interested in going to Vegas just for the trip (at a reduced rate) and not to attend the convention - this can also be arranged. We are anxious to have the exact number (and names) just as soon as possible becuase this is a special rate and connot be held open for too long.

There has been another BIRD ROBBERY!!! The gentleman concerned is not a member of our club (Mr. A. Rosa of San Jose) but we certainly have a deep feeling for him. The thieves took all the parent breeders, and as a result his many babies were left to either hand-feeding or starvation! He had canaries, finches, and cockatiels. The canary band numbers were marked AR - 1 to 100. All I can say after this kind of a story is what I have written many times before - LOCK YOUR AVIATRIES.

We especially enjoyed the speech at the last meeting by Dr. Cabaluna. What really pleased us was his desire and willingness to answer all our questions. And did you know that he has become a member of our club?

Lona has for sale:
Baby Cockatiels; Normals, Pieds, and Albinos
Gouldian Finches
Red Factor Breeders (hens and males) some are Opal carriers

See you at the PICNIC
Charlotte A. LeDoux

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