Santa Clara Valley Canary and Exotic Bird Club

HORS d'OEVERS at 11:30 AM

A - J bring desserts
L - Z brink snacks

bring table service


REMEMBER: $3.00 each per member
$7.50 each per guest.
Family membership = 2 members.
Hot dogs free for the kids.

DON'T FORGET RAFFLE ITEMS! Everything welcome! Coffee will be furnished. Bring your own soft drinks, etc. Map to the 'Joe Gordon Family Gathering' follows.

MANY THANKS: to Bud & Lucy Reller and to Nikkie McClatchie for the birds for raffle donation at the June meeting. Let's see lots of birds, bird related items, plants, kitchen stuff, various & sundry useful things you've found in your closets at the BBQ.

Many THANKS also to Margaret Roche for the beautiful bird for the auction donation. Way to go!

CHAIRMAN OF THE TROPHY FUND is Glenn Mitchell. We'll be hearing more from him on this butbe thinking about YOUR special donated trophy for the show.

NEW MEMBERS: The BLAHA FAMILY, Amazons, Lovebirds, Cockatiels & canaries
HELENA LaPORTA, Canaries & Cockatiels, Monte Sereno
Jim & Patti Tirado (Gilroy) Canaries & Finches.

Welcome all. The Blaha's just got back from a trip to Hawaii where they were hoping to visit bunches of bird establishments. Maybe we could persuade them to tell us all about it?

WELCOME BACK to the Borings, Hershall & Nancy, Finches.

THANKS: To Ralph Barnes for taking on the show catalogue again this year. He's going to need volunteers to help with it.... come on, folks. Ralph & Margaret have taken this burden off the rest of us for the last 3-4 years. It's time for some more helping hands. Thanks to Margaret's computer/printer and he time, the basis of the book is complete but getting all those ads sold, composed etc. is a BIG job.

IT WAS VOTED: at the June meeting to eliminate division 3rd trophies for the show. The award and the Rossette will still be given - just not the trophy. Also dues will go to $18.00 per year per family as of Jan. 1, 1984. Don't say nobody toldja!

THE FOURNIERS ARE BACK from 6 weeks in Australia... hopefully with lots of pictures! I suspect we can get 'em to tell us all about that?

NEXT BOARD MEETING: At Dudley Cox home in Half Moon Bay, July 29, 1983.

BIG OPPORTUNITY: To do GOOD things for yourself, your community, your club, the American Federation of Aviculture, and BE A HERO! If you haven't already joined AFA (for shame!) send in your membership (new or renewal) THROUGH SCVC&EBC. When it is done that way, the club gets $1.00 back for our very own treasury, and YOU get beautiful WATCHBIRD magazine to keep you up to date on all that's going on in the bird world during the year. THEN, send in a GIFT subscription (also through SCVC) for: Your local public library, your local school library, your blood bank? your local old folks home, your dentists office. Tired of reading ancient copies of U.S. News & World Report in your doctor's office? Send him a subscription! That way the word about all the breeding and conservation efforts of aviculturists gets out to the general public AND maybe we get a while bunch of folks interested in something they never considered before. Especially the youngsters. If we don't get those kids turned on now, where are the breeders of the next generation?


Assembly bill 2136 has been introduced into the legislature. It would require the list of animals determined to be rare or endangered in California to include those animals determined to be endangered or threatened under federal law. If passed, this bill would be very damaging to California aviculture.

Because of the 1981 CITES convention decision to include most psittacine species on Appendix II, most psittacine species are on the federal threatened species list. If incorporated into California's list by reference to federal law, it would be ILLEGAL to possess such birds without a permit.

I (Hal Koontz) have spoken to the deputy director of the Department of Fish & Game. He informs me that the Department has been authorized by the Governor's office to oppose the bill in its present form. I have also spoken to the Assembly Water Parks and Wildlife Committee which initially pushed the bill and was told that it does not reflect what the Committee intended. What the Committee wants to do is adopt the federal rules regarding the preservation of habitat of endangered species and make it apply to all NATIVE California species. This is a far cry from the bill as written.

I was told that the bill was put on the back burner for now and that when it is brought up again in a few months, it will be amended to read properly. I have written a long letter in opposition to the bill in its present form. I do not think AFA need take any other action now. I will monitor the bill and its amendments in the future. If the committee does not amend the bill when it is taken up again, I will contact the delegates to start a letter writing campaign.
(signed) Hal M. Koontz

Now, People, THAT IS WHY we MUST keep AFA alive and kicking. They serve as the watchdogs to protect OUR interests. COME ON cough up those memberships, renewals and gifts!

FOR SALE: Have now decided to get out of birds altogether except for the family pets. Renrene Aviaries, budgies, breeders. American x English, approximately 60 for sale at $5.00 each. Also, equipment if you're interested. Also, 3 white cockatiels (2 male & 1 hen) @ $60.00/each or best offer. 1 pair cinnamons @ $60.00 each. Will be moving soon and don't want to move all these birds. Call Irene or Renata.

You may remember that the May newsletter made mention of communication from Mr D.W. Pickett of London, England. Well, the Howarths began a correspondence with the Picketts and said Picketts are due to visit in August. They will be staying with the Howarths and, with luck, will be with us for the August meeting at which time we may just be able to find out how they do it in England... breed birds, that is.

Old friend, Larry Swan, currently President of San Francisco Avicultural Society, extends to all aviculturists in the area an invitation to:

THE DURBAR (meaning: the door is open)


July 24th 1 P.M. til...

Swimming pool heated to the temperature of the Indian Ocean.

Attend in the native costume of the Country (meaning anything from "absolutely nothing" to whatever turns you whichever way you want to go.)

Meal will commence at 2 P.M.
festivities at 3:30

Meal and soft drinks, coffee, iced tea $6.00. Bring your own whatever else you want to drink.

Tables of sale items. Raffle. A fete not to be missed.

For reservations call Pat Monas or call Larry direct (415) FOR RAJA


NOTE: Last attempt at this size newsletter. If a large number still can't read the reduced type adequately, we'll go back to a 3 page maximum standard sheet. Let me know.


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