Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
March 13, 1977
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
Pot-luck: 1:00 P.M.
Meeting: 1:45 P.M.
A-G Bring Hot dish
H-P Bring Dessert
Q-Z Bring Salad
Dear Members,
If you missed the last meeting, you really missed a lot of good information. Don Denny and Joe Gordon passed on some real informative material about Budgies and Canaries.
This month, Dianne Klyn has for our speaker, Dr. M. Metcalfe (DVM) who will speak on "Ailments & Diseases of Canaries and Finches." A question and answer period will be held after the speakers presentation. Come to the meeting and get your questions answered.
Bands are still available (.08¢ ea.) from Leonard Quieto. If you wish to have your bands mailed, please add .26¢.
The new roster will be given to the members at the March meeting.
Chuck Arella & Joe Teixeira will be bringing birds for the raffle this month. We still need more people to volunteer to bring birds or bird related items for the raffle table, especially for May, July, Nov. & Dec. Don't forget if you donate a bird for the meeting raffle, you are not obligated to donate a bird for the show raffle. How about it, can you sign up for one of the above months?
REMINDER Don't forget the meetings in April and May are advanced one week. Meetings will be the first Sunday in April, (Apr. 3rd) and the 1st Sunday in May, (May 1st).
Scarlet Chested Parakeet
2 females or swap 2 male for 1 female
Lloyd Bunker
2 Border Hens
Roland Skirrow
1 male Green Singing Finch
1 male Strawberry Finch
Dianne Klyn
Two really happy grandparents wish to announce the arrival of their first grandchild, a very handsome grandson. Michael Theodore Quieto arrived Feb. 17th, weighed 7lbs. 4½oz., 20" long.
Looking forward to seeing you Sun.
See you Sunday, Feb. 13th.
A Happy Grandmother
Delilah Quieto
Happy St. Patrick's Day