Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
March 11, 1980
Serving at 1:00
Our March meeting will be preceded by a spaghetti luncheon with all the trimmings donated by the club. But do bring your own table service, please! Gilbert Cocchetti is cooking the dinner.
And now that you have calmed down after such a nice surprise, let's get on with news.
The most important announcement about the Anual Show is that all the trophies and medallions have been ordered. Now Rowland is anxious to get his committees organized, so if there are any of you who have not yet signed to work on at least one group, be sure to see him today.
Jim Mocho informs the group that he has already purchased the steaks for our July picnic - but he's not telling us what freezer they are in!
The donors for the March Bird Raffle are: Glenn Mitchell, Ron Fournier, and Jenny Henry.
The next Executive Board Mtg. will be held at the home of Jim Mocho in San Jose March 28, at 7:30 P.M.
This kind of a report I don't like, but you must hear it:
Jay (Jim) Machado is home from the hospital and doing well, Good luck Jim.
Virginia Curaton goes into University of Calif. Hospital in S.F. on March
7 for surgery on March 7.
Bill Cooper goes into Mt. Zion Hospital in S.F. on March 9 for surgery.
We certainly wish these people well, and hope to see them all very soon.
Howard tells me that the next meeting will be Open Discussion on Breeding Canaries.
Now about the enclosed charts on "First Aid for Birds" - this is one of the many valuable items I acquired at the Miami Convention of the AFA. I hope that you will remember in my report that I said that I would be giving you copies of some of the reports as soon as I could get them xeroxed, and this is the first. Please study it and use it - the information should be helpful.
How about a bit of Haiku-verse to close this page?
"All those funny pink flowers - are out - masquerading as Spring."
This was without doubt one of the best "mini" conventions I have attended, and I must add that it was anything but "mini". There were many, many speakers and all of them were excellent. The subjects were also - many - all the way from How to Build and Create an Aviary, thru Doves, Budgerigars, Hookbills, Canaries, Pheasants, Cockatiels, Year round Breeding in a Controlled Environment, Keeping Birds Healthy, Basic Procedures in Aviary Management, and Veterinary Services to Aviculture.
We are hoping to have some of these speakers at our meetings later in the year.
You probably have heard about Glenn's speech on cockatiels being so well accepted; then on the final day, he and I led round-table discussions which lasted all morning.
We were very proud to have fifteen members of our Santa Clara Club in attendance, especially when the whole week-end was the catastrophic rain storm of two weeks ago.
For those of you who have not as yet joined the AFA I have membership applications. It truely is an inspiring organization. When you realize how much good is being done for all birds thru this association, and that you may help it is worth while.
QUESTION: During the winter I've been putting some whole and some slightly crushed peanuts in the birdseed mix. Most wild birds eat the peanuts almost as well as the sunflower seeds. Now I'm told that peanuts are an inferior food and shouldn't be fed at all. I hope this isn't true!
ANSWER: Fortunately for you and your peanut-popping feathered friends, it is not. The facts are that peanuts are an excellent winter food for the birds being high in protein, fats containing also carbohydrates, minerals from calcium and iron to phosphorous and potassium and vitamins.
And now for sale: All these from Glenn Mitchell
Pekin Robins - $75. pr.
Gold Breast Waxbills - $45. pr.
Cordan Bleu Finches - $45. pr.
Combassou Finch - $40. pr.
African Ringneck Parakeets - $125. pr.
Cut-throats - $25. pr.
Other finches - from $25. - $125. per pair
Used Pacific Single Breeding Cages - $9. each.
This is all