Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
October 14, 1973
Pot-luck: 1 P.M. Meeting 1:45 P.M.
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium
corner of Washington & Bellomy Sts., Santa Clara

Dear Members,

Show time is just around the corner, so in preparation for this, the meeting this month will consist of a Judging Seminar and discussion of our show to be held in December. We'll also have a question & answer period. Would each person coming to the meeting please bring one canary or one finch in a show cage. The only way the seminar can be a success is by your cooperation in bringing a bird. PLEASE!!!!!!

Since the show circuit is about to begin, we'd like to remind you of the Fresno Show (Young birds only), Nov. 9, 10, 11; Stockton Show (Young & Old birds) Nov. 16, 17, 18; and our own show (Young & Old birds) Dec. 14, 15, 16. Members of these clubs participate in our show, so we encourage you to take part in their shows.

Usual pot-luck & raffle this month. A-H bring a salad; I-P bring a hot dish; Q-Z bring a dessert. Please bring your own tableservice and something for the raffle table.

We still have a few people who haven't responded with the $3.00 or Blue Chip or Green Stamp book. Don't forget $3.00 or stamp book to help us get articles for the raffle table for the show.

Glad to see Joe Teixeira has recovered from his surgery. He still needs to take it easy for awhile, but he's feeling great.


Jim & Esther Morrison are in need of Red Factor show cages.


Thelma Lair has breeding cages for sale.

Lorraine DiMaria has breeding cages for sale.

Hope to see you Sun., October 14th and don't forget to bring a bird.

Delilah Quieto

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