Santa Clara Valley Canary and Exotic Bird Club
Peterson Jr. High School, Sunnyvale
El Camino and Ham Streets

NEXT MEETING: SUNDAY, October 9, 1983.

Pot Luck 1 P.M.
Meeting 1:45 P.M.

A - G Dessert
H - P Hot Dish
Q - Z Salad

Please bring your own table service

Next Board Meeting: At the home of Glenn Corlew, 2988 Cherry Lane, Walnut Creek, CA. Friday, October 21, 7:30 P.M.

that's right, the day before the meeting. Feather Show will be one day only this year... AT THE SCHOOL... Don't go to the shopping center! 'twil be an all day event with sale tables and food sales available and judging and bird talk and open to the public. See the flyer Glenn has prepared as an insert in the newsletter. Look over your babies quick and get 'em into a show cage for some training as soon as you get this letter if you haven't already done so. Nobody expects 'em to be perfect, so don't worry about that, this is a training session for the young birds as well as the 'young' breeders. A good chance to see what potential they have ... and it is a much more relaxed atmosphere than the big show, so you have a better chance to discuss your birds with the judge and learn the fine points. Remember for canaries, this year's bands only.

To those of you who missed last month's meeting, sorry you missed a goodie! Bill Pickett gave a very interesting insight into canary breeding in England. I'll get together with Steve soon and make a list of the differences we found. Somehow, I just wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude to put my too-fat-bird into a dark cage without food or water for three days to slim it down, nor to put birds in show cages on a clothesline in rain and snow and leave 'em there for several hours, swinging the line back and forth every time I walked past in order to "harden 'em off," but it sure seems to work for Bill.

Ron Fornier's slides of Australia were absolutely super and I intend to see 'em again, and again! (ATT: JIM COFFMAN... RON's slide show is a MUST for the '85 convention!)

Gonna be a short letter this month. The Board meeting was a week later than normal and I want to get this into print tomorrow morning so I can get it in the mail tomorrow night.

AD: Naomi Cisper has Glosters and Opals for sale. She has to clear a bunch out so call her.

NEWS Up-date: For those who haven't heard, (is there anybody?) Board Member Dudley Cox had the poor sense of timing to have a heart attack the middle of September, spent his birthday in the hospital! Tsk, I just spoke with him and he's doing very well now, up and laughing and shrugging it off as usual. Dudley, please learn to yell and throw things once in awhile. You've had a lot of stress this year and I've never seen you do anything but shrug and smile, the innards pay the price. We'll love you just the same if you growl occasionally!

TROPHIES: Glenn Mitchell reports that sponsors are still needed for the BEST NOVICE COLORBRED CANARY, BEST NOVICE HOOKBILL and BEST HOOKBILL for the November show. Anyone who would like to sponsor one of these trophies ($25.00) please get in touch with Glenn soonest. Ralph is holding the printing on the catalogue for a few more days to give you time to get in it.

BEST WISHES to the Redwood City Budgie Hobbyists on their show which is taking place even as I type. Unfortunately, their catalogue just arrived in my mail on Friday (U.S. Postal Service strikes again0 so I hope those of you who planned to enter/attend found out about it (or remembered the announcement from a couple of months back) elsewhere. I have a couple of their catalogues for those of you who want to keep 'em to remind you next year. They did a very attractive job on it by the way, all the bird folk are doing more and more professional jobs lately. I'm proud of us all!

The Capitol City catalogue is (also nicely done) and in my hands. I'll have it with me next week-end for those who want to see, but don't steal it, it's MINE! Their announcement is elsewhere in this newsletter as is the one from Fresno, for those planning to attend either or both. Isn't it fortunate that the next Board meeting is in Walnut Creek the night before the Sacramento show? Glenn, can we stash birds in your house somewhere if we stop for the meeting on the way to Sacramento?

It occurs to me that I don't know what half of you do for a living so...
AD: FOR SALE: 1945 Clark UT model "humpback" forklift, 4 foot forks, 9 foot lift, burns LPG, hard rubber wheels; ALSO 1953 Truck tractor rig (no trailer) GMC model 630 6 cylinder, gasoline (120 gal. capacity.) If interested call Pat McMullan. Never mind saying, "But you only raise canaries." I do other things, too!

WELCOME: to new members Greg Cogliantry and Norma Hermocillo, canaries.

The Rocky Mountain Cage Bird folks want me to remind you of the NATIONAL CAGE BIRD SHOW which will be held in Denver this year - November 18-20. The quarterly AFA Board Meeting is held in conjunction with it and I have the info for those who want it, can't afford anymore travel this year myself.

And we're out of space and time. Sounds exotic, doesn't it? See you Saturday.


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