SCVCEBC Privacy Policy
The Santa Clara Valley Canary and Exotic Bird Club (SCVCEBC) respects our members' privacy. Any personal information that you provide to the Club through membership or event registration is kept confidential and will not be sold, rented, traded, or distributed to any other club, company or individual.
When you register for membership or to exhibit or sell at our show, we collect your personal information for specific, limited purposes. Membership data is for mailing our newsletter or SCVCEBC event flyers. Your name, phone number, town of residence and optionally provided bird interests are included in our annual club roster that is sent only to other club members. Your street address and email address are not provided to other club members.
One of the club benefits is being included on our club breeder referral list, but you must request to be added (opt-in) and can request to be removed at any time. That list is open to the public and only includes the contact information you choose, eg. phone number, email or your website.
Another benefit is being included on the club email announcement list. Since that list is private to paid club members and moderated for time-sensitive, club-related announcements only, your email is added to that list when you join. Other members of this email list cannot see your email address. You may request to be removed (opt-out) or you can remove yourself at any time since the list is hosted by Yahoo Groups and conforms to their policies.
This policy will be kept posted on the club website. Proposed changes to the policy will be announced in advance in the club newsletter. This policy was approved by the club board on August 10, 2008.