Hi there! My name is Katla and I have suffered from emetophobia for as long as I can remember. I am 31 years old. I can not remember any incident that could have brought this on, and I have no clue why its still present.
The reason I made this page is that there is too little information on emetophobia. Lots of people don\t believe me when I tell them how many people I know whom suffer from this thing.
was so fortunate as to find some info on this phobia on the Net,
and in addition to that I found a mailing list with people like
me. We are quite a bunch, talking through e-mail, sharing
thoughts, supporting each other, and I have no words to describe
the great feeling that I was no longer alone with this.
The thought that I am weird, antisocial and picky disappeared. I am no longer a wacko or alien in the world. I am free now. Free to be me, free to feel, think, cry, sigh, and yes, I can laugh at myself.
I hope that you will find knowledge, either you have emetophobia or not.
This page is a copy of our mailing lists old page. That page is gone, and I miss it. So I decided to get it back out there for all to see.
The abbreviations and what they mean v=vomit, emet=emetophobic
What is emetophobia?
What things do an emet do?
Other things they do?
How did they get that way?
Why fear vomiting?
What happens if they have to?
Why doesn\t emets v often?
What do you mean unable?
Nausea control?
Whats the problem?
Isnt there any cure?
Does it run in families?
Does any good come from this?
What to do for help