
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


ADISAPI (Advanced Data Internet Server Application Programming Interface)
An ISAPI DLL that provides parsing, Automation control, Recordset marshaling, and MIME packaging. The ADISAPI component works through the API provided by Internet Information Services (IIS). ADO

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)
A collection of automation objects that expose the methods and properties used to communicate with an OLE DB data source. Platform SDK

AER (Authorized Education Reseller)
A software reseller authorized by Microsoft to provide Academic Edition software to eligible education customers. Microsoft Licensing

API (Application Program Interface)
A set of routines that an application program uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. An application program carries out two types of tasks: those related to work being performed, such as accepting text or numbers input to a document or spreadsheet, and those related to maintenance chores, such as managing files and displaying information on the screen. These maintenance chores are performed by the computer's operating system, and an API provides the program with a means of communicating with the system, telling it which system-level task to perform and when. On computers running a graphical user interface such as that on the Apple Macintosh, an API also helps application programs manage windows, menus, icons, and so on. On local area networks, an API, such as IBM's NetBIOS, provides applications with a uniform means of requesting services from the lower levels of the network.

asynchronous operation
An operation that returns control to the calling program without waiting for the operation to complete. Before the operation is complete, code execution continues. ADO

B (top)

Below Zeros (BZs)
Os clientes que custam mais caro atender do que irão render para a empresa. Exemplos: Um Below Zero pode ser alguém que aceita muitos serviços gratuitos, mas não gera receita suficiente para pagar esses serviçoc. Pode ser alguém que reclamou de algo, mas cuja reclamação nunca foi resolvida e portanto não faz mais negócios com a empresa. Essa pessoa não somente vale zero nessa conta, na verdade tem valor abaixo de zero, pois irá prejudicar a reputação da empresa, falando mal dela para outros clientes. CRM

A numeric value intended for a bit-by-bit value comparison with other numeric values, typically to flag options in parameter or return values. Usually this comparison is done with bitwise logical operators, such as And and Or in Visual Basic, & and | in C++. ADO

Bricks-and-Mortar (tijolos e cimento)
Jargão usado nos EUA para designar negócios que existem no mundo real, o oposto do mundo puramente virtual da Internet. Alguns exemplos de empresas reais são as lojas de desconto de varejo, depósitos e empresas de advocacia, que realizam negócios pelos métodos tradicionais de comunicação e tem presença física. Veja também Clicks-and-Mortar. CRM

C (top)

CAL (Client Access License)
A license required for each desktop accessing certain Microsoft® server products. Microsoft Licensing

The catalog is the highest-level unit of organization in Indexing Service. It consists of the content and property indexes and other files that contain the indexed information for the set of files covered by the catalog scopes. By default in Windows 2000, the "System" catalog exists in the path named "System Volume Information\Catalog.wci", which is hidden when Indexing Service first creates it. The "Web" catalog exists in the path named "Inetpub\Catalog.wci", which is also hidden. Platform SDK

Termo que descreve a deslealdade ou a falta de fidelidade dos clientes. Uma taxa de churn alta indica alta deslealdade dos clientes. CRM

Clicks-and-Mortar (cliques e cimento)
Trocadilho usado nos EUA que descreve uma empresa que integrou sua existência no mundo real ao mundo virtual da Internet, através de e-commerce ou Web Self Service. Uma loja online de eletrodomésticos que permite aos clientes agendarem em seu Web site visitas para conserto é um exemplo de empresa clicks-and-mortar. Outro exemplo: uma rede de livrarias que vende no Web site e permite buscar a mercadoria nos pontos de venda. Veja Bricks-and-Mortar. CRM

Cliente de Maior Valor (CMV)
Aqueles clientes com o Valor Real mais alto para empresa, os que fazem a maior parte dos negócios, geram as mais altas margens, são mais predispostos a cooperar e tendem a ser os mais fiéis. Os CMVs são aqueles com os quais a empresa, provavelmente, tem a mais alta participação. O objetivo de uma empresa com relação a seus CMPs é a retenção. Veja também Below Zeros e Clientes de Maior Potencial. CRM

Clientes de Maior Potencial (CMP)
Aqueles clientes para os quais o Valor Estratégico, que é o valor potencial do cliente, excede muito o Valor Real atual do cliente. São os clientes que tem o maior potencial de crescimento, crescimento que pode ser alcançado por meio de vendas cruzadas, da manutenção do cliente por um longo período de tempo ou talvez pela alteração do comportamento dele, fazendo-o operar de uma maneira que custe menos para a empresa. CRM

CLSID (class identifier)
A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows Registry so that it can be loaded by other applications. ADO

COM (Component Object Model)
A binary standard that enables objects to interoperate in a networked environment regardless of the language in which they were developed or on which computers they reside. COM-based technologies include ActiveX Controls, Automation, and object linking and embedding (OLE). COM allows an object to expose its functionality to other components and to host applications. It defines both how the object exposes itself and how this exposure works across processes and across networks. COM also defines the object's life cycle. ADO, Platform SDK

COM component
Binary file — such as .dll, .ocx, and some .exe files — that supports the COM standard for providing objects. Such a file contains code for one or more class factories, COM classes, registry-entry mechanisms, loading code, and so on. ADO

compound file
An implementation of COM structured storage for files. A compound file stores separate objects in a single, structured file consisting of two main elements: storage objects and stream objects. Together, they function like a file system within a file. A number of individual files bound together in one physical file. Each individual file in a compound file can be accessed as if it were a single physical file. ADO, Platform SDK

Conflito de Canais
Ocorre quando uma empresa fornece produtos para seus clientes através de uma variedade de meios que podem entrar em conflito entre si. Um exemplo é vender automóveis diretamente ao consumidor pela Internet, o que cria um conflito com as concessionárias reais que também vendem automóveis. CRM

CRM Analítico
Componente do CRM que permite identificar e acompanhar diferentes tipos de clientes (entre CMVs, CMPs e mesmo BZs) dentro da carteira de clientes de uma empresa e de posse destas informações, determinar qual estratégia seguir para atender as diferentes necessidades dos clientes identificados. Normalmente utiliza recursos de data mining para localizar os padrões de diferenciação entre os clientes. CRM

CRM Colaborativo
É a aplicação da tecnologia de informação que permite a automação e a integração entre todos os pontos de contato do cliente com a empresa. Esses pontos de contato devem estar preparados para interagir com o cliente e disseminar as informações levadas para os sistemas do CRM Operacional. CRM

CRM Operacional
É a aplicação da tecnologia de informação para melhorar a eficiência do relacionamento entre clientes e a empresa. Estão entre os produtos de CRM operacional as aplicações de automação de força de vendas (SFA), automação de canais de venda (SCA), sistemas de e-commerce e call centers. O CRM operacional prevê a integração de todos os produtos de tecnologia para proporcionar o melhor atendimento ao cliente. Veja também CRM analítico. CRM

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS is a style-sheet mechanism developed specifically to meet the needs of Web designers and users. You can use CSS style sheets to set fonts, colors, positioning, backgrounds, and many other presentational aspects of a document. Multiple documents can share the same style sheet, so users can maintain consistent presentation within a collection of related documents without modifying each document separately. XML and CSS together make it possible to present that document to the user in a browser. html

A database element that controls record navigation, updateability of data, and the visibility of changes made to the database by other users. ADO

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
CRM é o mesmo que one-to-one marketing. Esse modelo de negócios centrado no cliente também é identificado pelos nomes "marketing de ralacionamento", "marketing em tempo real", "intimidade com o cliente" e uma variedade de outros. Mas a idéia é a mesma: estabelecer relacionamento com os clientes de forma individual e depois usar as informações coletadas para tratar clientes diferentes de maneira diferente. O intercâmbio entre um cliente e a empresa torna-se mutuamente benéfico, uma vez que os clientes oferecem informações em retribuição aos serviços personalizados que atendem às suas necessidades individuais. CRM

D (top)

data provider
Software that exposes data to an ADO application either directly or via a service provider. ADO

data shaping
A technique which makes use of a formalized syntax (called Shape language) to define a specialized Recordset object (called a shaped Recordset) that contains not just data, but also references to other Recordset objects and/or computed values based on those other Recordset objects. ADO

DCOM (Distributed COM)
A wire protocol that enables COM components to communicate directly with each other across a network. ADO

DDL (Data Definition Language)
Those statements in SQL that define, as opposed to manipulate, data. The schema of a database is created or modified with DDL. For example, CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, GRANT, and REVOKE are SQL DDL statements. ADO

DLL (dynamic-link library)
A file that contains one or more functions that are compiled, linked, and stored separately from the processes that use them. The operating system maps the DLLs into the address space of the calling process when the process is starting, or while it is running. ADO

DML (Data Manipulation Language)
Those statements in SQL that manipulate, as opposed to define, data. The values in a database are selected and modified with DML. For example, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT are SQL DML statements. ADO

DSN (data source name)
The collection of information used to connect your application to a particular ODBC database. The ODBC Driver Manager uses this information to create a connection to the database. A DSN can be stored in a file (a file DSN) or in the Windows Registry (a machine DSN). ADO

DTD (Document Type Definition)
DTDs comprise the rules data must adhere to for it to be valid. You declare element names and their valid hierarchical structure, as well as their attributes and entities, in the DOCTYPE processing instructions. Entities include ELEMENT, ATLIST, and ENTITY. DTDs enable you to define the complete set of XML markup elements that developers can use in a project. html

E (top)

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
ERP é o termo que descreve uma série de atividades de gestão empresarial suportadas por aplicações de IT. Estas são compostas de muitos módulos, incluindo planejamento de produto, compras, estoque, relacionamento com fornecedores, atendimento ao cliente e acompanhamento de pedidos. Em seu uso corrente, o termo ERP engloba também módulos para as áreas financeira e de recursos humanos. Normalmente um ERP utiliza ou é integrado a um banco de dados, e a implantação de um sistema de ERP envolve uma profunda análise de negócio da empresa, treinamento de funcionários e modificações ou criação de procedimentos. CRM

Estratégia da Barreira
Termo usado para descrever uma estratégia particular de transição para tornar uma empresa one-to-one. A estratégia da barreira baseia-se no isolamento de todos ou da maioria dos seus clientes de meior valor e de seus clientes de maior potencial das iniciativas tradicionais de marketing a que está sujeito o restante da carteira de clientes e, com o tempo, expandir a população de clientes que está atrás dessa barreira. CRM

F (top)

full-text indexing
Creating an index of all words in a document. Platform SDK, SQL

G (top)

H (top)

hierarchical storage management
The progression of, for example, data storage from memory to hard disk to backup tape. In each step of the hierarchical progression, the amount of storage usually becomes greater, but slower. Platform SDK

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML is the methodology for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web. It is a nonproprietary format based on SGML; you can create and process HTML using a wide range of tools, from simple plain-text editors where you type in HTML code manually to sophisticated WYSIWYG authoring tools that automate much of the toil in creating Web pages. html

I (top)

A metodologia de quatro etapas para implementação de relações one-to-one com os clientes, desenvolvido por Don Peppers e Dra. Martha Roghers. IDIP é a sigra de Identificar clientes, Diferenciá-los, Interagir com eles e Personalizar produtos e serviços. CRM

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
A method for accessing mail and news items from mail servers. Platform SDK

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface)
A set of functions for Internet servers, such as a Windows NT® Server/Windows 2000 Server running Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS). ADO

In Indexing Service, the "index" includes the stored content index and property index that provide fast access to all files with specified content or properties. Platform SDK

J (top)

K (top)

L (top)

LAR (Large Account Reseller)
An authorized reseller which Microsoft permits to resell licenses to end-users under Select License and Enterprise Agreements. Microsoft Licensing

M (top)

master index
The master index is the final destination of all Indexing Service "index" data. It is persistent, disk-resident, highly compressed, and optimized for querying. All indexed content eventually is merged into the master index. Platform SDK

master merge
Combines shadow indexes with the master index to form a new master index. Platform SDK

Metadata is data that describes other data. For example, recordset metadata describes the recordset, and includes information such as the number of columns, the data types of those columns, their names, and so on. An application requires metadata for most recordset operations. For example, it might use the data type of a column to determine what kind of variable to bind to that column, and the byte length of a character column to determine how much space it needs to display data for a given column. The application itself determines the metadata for a column. In this project, metadata about the XML document is described in the DTD or in the XML document itself; this metadata enables other applications to query and manipulate it. html

MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension)
An Internet protocol originally developed to allow exchange of electronic mail messages with rich content across heterogeneous network, machine, and e-mail environments. In practice, MIME has also been adopted and extended by non-mail applications. MIME is a standard that allows binary data to be published and read on the Internet. The header of a file with binary data contains the MIME type of the data; this informs client programs (Web browsers and mail packages, for instance) that they will need to handle the data in a different way than they handle straight text. For example, the header of a Web document containing a JPEG graphic contains the MIME type specific to the JPEG file format. This allows a browser to display the file with its JPEG viewer, if one is present. ADO

MLP (Microsoft License Pack)
For some products, a single license to install and use one additional copy of the software. MLPs are not part of any Microsoft Volume Licensing program, and may be acquired separately through your Solution Provider or reseller. Microsoft Licensing

N (top)

An application program interface (API) that can be used by application programs on a local area network consisting of IBM and compatible microcomputers running MS-DOS, OS/2, or some version of UNIX. Primarily of interest to programmers, NetBIOS provides application programs with a uniform set of commands for requesting the lower-level network services required to conduct sessions between nodes on a network and to transmit information back and forth.

NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol)
An application layer Internet protocol for the submission, relay, and retrieval of messages intended for news group discussions, rather than for specific recipients. Platform SDK

O (top)

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
A standard programming language interface used to connect to a variety of data sources. This is usually accessed through Control Panel, where data source names (DSNs) can be assigned to use specific ODBC drivers. ADO

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
Quando na compra do Hardware, o produto já vem instalado no equipamento. Microsoft Licensing

A set of interfaces that expose data from a variety of sources using COM. OLE DB interfaces provide applications with uniform access to data stored in diverse information sources. These interfaces support the amount of DBMS functionality appropriate to the data source, enabling it to share its data. ADO, Platform SDK

ordinal value
The numeric location of an item within an order. In an ADO collection, the ordinal value of the first item is zero (0). The next item is one (1), and so on. ADO

P (top)

Perfmon (Performance Monitor)
A Windows 2000 software tool that allows you to watch certain variables that reflect the activity of a process such as indexing or querying. Platform SDK

A performance optimization based on using collections of pre-allocated resources, such as objects or database connections. It is more efficient to draw an existing resource from the pool than to create a new resource. ADO

A predicate is an expression that makes a factual assertion about values. If the expression evaluates to TRUE, the associated condition is satisfied. If the expression evaluates to FALSE, the condition is not satisfied. Platform SDK

ProgID (programmatic identifier)
A unique name mapped to the Windows registry by a COM application. The ProgID for an ADO Connection is "ADODB.Connection". ADO

An interface-specific object that provides the parameter marshaling and communication required for a client to call an application object that is running in a different execution environment, such as on a different thread or in another process. The proxy is located with the client and communicates with a corresponding stub that is located with the application object that is being called. ADO

Q (top)

R (top)

remote data source
A data source that exists on a another computer, rather than on the local system (where the client application runs). ADO

A set of rows from a data source, all having the same field schema. A rowset can represent all or some fields from a table. A rowset can also represent a virtual table, created by a query or a join of two or more tables. In ADO, rowsets are represented by Recordset objects. ADO

S (top)

A description of a database to the database management system (DBMS), typically generated using the data definition language provided by the DBMS. A schema defines attributes of the database, such as tables, columns, and properties. ADO

A query scope specifies the set of documents that must be searched. Typically, scopes are specified by a directory path on a storage volume, such as D:\Docs. Indexing Service can also use virtual roots to indicate scope. Platform SDK

SFA (Sales Force Automation)
É o software para automação de força de vendas que inclui: gestão de contatos, forecasting (previsão de vendas), gestão de vendas e vendas em grupo. O SFA está se tornando parte integrante de soluções de CRM. CRM

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
SGML is an international standard that describes the relationship between a document's context and its structure in an open and vendor-neutral format. SGML lets you share information across computer platforms and applications. Typical uses for SGML range from electronic publishing to document repositories. XML is a subset of SGML designed specifically for the Web. html

shadow index
Shadow indexes are an intermediate part of the Indexing Service index that are persistent, disk-resident, and highly compressed. They result from word lists and eventually merge with the master index. Platform SDK

shadow merge
When the number of word lists exceeds the maximum allowable number, Indexing Service performs a shadow merge, which transforms word lists into shadow indexes, to reduce memory usage. Platform SDK

Any two or more nodes in a hierarchical structure that are on the same level in the hierarchy. The root node in a hierarchy has no siblings. ADO

SQL (Structured Query Language)
An ANSI-standard database query and programming language that is widely used for accessing data, querying, updating, and managing relational database systems. Platform SDK, SQL

SQL-DMO (Structured Query Language-Distributed Management Objects)
SQL-DMO is part of a comprehensive framework called SQL Distributed Management Framework, an integrated framework of objects, services, and components for managing Microsoft SQL Server. VB lets you add a reference to the SQL-DMO object library and gain programmatic access to all the objects SQL Server lets you manipulate. You can learn more about its programmable objects by using VB's object browser to view the SQL-DMO object model. html, sql

Creating a list of possible word forms for a given word, commonly a verb. Stemming occurs when preparing words in a query string for all possible forms before passing the string to the query processor. For example, stemming the word "swim" produces a list of word forms including "swimming" and "swam". Platform SDK

stored procedure
A precompiled collection of code such as SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. Stored procedures are stored within a database; they can be executed with one call from an application and allow user-declared variables, conditional execution, and other powerful programming features. ADO, SQL

An interface-specific object that provides the parameter marshaling and communication required for an application object to receive calls from a client that is running in a different execution environment, such as on a different thread or in another process. The stub is located with the application object and communicates with a corresponding proxy that is located with the client that calls it. ADO

synchronous operation
An operation initiated by code that completes before the next operation may start. ADO

T (top)

U (top)

UA (Upgrade Advantage)
A product license offered under a volume licensing program, which gives a customer the right to acquire license upgrades for Microsoft products for which they hold a license during the term of the license agreement. Microsoft Licensing

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Specifies the location of a resource residing on the Internet or an intranet. A complete URL consists of a scheme (such as FTP, HTTP, mailto, file, and so on), followed by a colon, a server name, and the full path of a resource (such as a document, graphic, or other file). ADO, html

USN journal (Update Sequence Number journal)
A log that records changes in directory objects. It is available only for NTFS file systems. Platform SDK

V (top)

VUP (Version Upgrade)
This license allows a customer to run a version of a Microsoft product at a price based on ownership of an exiting previous version of a Microsoft product of the same type. Microsoft Licensing

W (top)

X (top)

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
XML is a markup language for documents containing structured information. Structured information comes in several types. For example, SQL Server contains structured information, as do a structured storage file and a recordset. html

XSL (eXtensible Style Language)
XSL is a style-sheet language that defines the rules for displaying structured XML data. XSL enables developers to generate a presentation structure that might be quite different from the original data structure. For example, it lets you format and display an element in multiple places on a page or not display it all, depending on your needs-all without complex scripting. XSL is compatible with and plays a complementary role to CSS. You use CSS to format HTML by applying formatting information to a "view" of data, and XSL to transform XML data into HTML. html

Y (top)

Z (top)
