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Wow! A little over a year and another minor update. This is my crappy music page... nothin special. It has a list of my favorite bands and reviews for them. And a list of music related software that I use, with a bit of a comment. There are no fancy dancy graphics or gay frames, cuz they suck... just a simple, straight forward web page for you to check out some bands.
NOTE: All the comments and reviews within are my opinion and my opinion only, so if you don't like 'em, I don't care! I'd also like to take this opportunity to disclaim everything on these pages that might get me in trouble if I don't... so... there. If anything doesn't work or anything is inaccurate, please tell me! (10/09/99)


Here are a list of bands that don't suck... click on them for links and sound clips. If you haven't heard of one of the bands below, check 'em out anyway and maybe you'll like 'em. The song clips are in MP3 format (64Kbps/22050Hz/Stereo) and are usually around 45 seconds (Hold SHIFT and click to download). And I really am sorry they are not full songs and full quality but I only get 10MB of space.

General Metal

Ozzy Osbourne
Iron Maiden
Rob Zombie/White Zombie (@CDNow)

Gothic type of stuff

Type O Negative
Amorphis (@CDNow)
Paradise Lost (@CDNow)
Moonspell (@CDNow)
My Dying Bride (@CDNow)


Green Day
The Offspring

"@CDNow" means i was too lazy to make a page for them and it is a link to CDNow's page for them... come on... buy something from there... i do.

Yes, there are alot of other bands that don't suck... but that's all for now. I can't say I'll try... but I'll try to try update the page and have more bands for you to discover as time goes on but chances are I'll be too freakin' lazy and forget I even have a webpage and this one will rot away like the last one did. [sigh] but... ya never know.

Music Software

Here's some cool software I use:
Cakewalk Pro Audio - This is the best midi software I know of. I used to use MidiSoft Studio 4 until I got Cakewalk. Studio 4 was easier to use, but once I figured everything out in Cakewalk... IT ROCKED! You can insert WAV files, and combine WAV with MIDI. You can use ActiveX effects on the WAV files. It does just about everything. It even has it's own little scripting language.

Sound Forge - This is the Wave editor and processor I use most. It has all the effects you'd ever need for recording. And you can take those solo's and slow them down to figure them out. You can open many sound files at once, which is really helpful. This also supports ActiveX effects.

Cool Edit Pro - Has pretty much the same things as Sound Forge (although I prefer using Sound Forge), but it has a multitracker which comes in handy alot for recording.

WinAmp - MP3 Player... it's just... the best. Has alot... and the stuff it don't got, you can get a plug-in for it.

I used to have S3M and MOD programs on here, but I dont do S3M and MOD anymore.. nope... i write everything in MIDI now.

Hmmmm... That's about it.


- George's (from Seinfield) answering machine message (in MP3).
- A thorough description of all the diffrent kinds of FARTS! (in TXT)
- Some guitar lessons in TXT files (ZIP'd up).
- Waste you time filling out my SURVEY!... why the hell do i even have a survey?.. no one fills it out... i really dont care what you guys think (unless you think what i think, in which case i already know what you think).. and the information goes nowhere. but it makes me feel special!

Cool Links

Metal Up Your Ass (Metal Band Links) - This is a really cool page!
Guitar World Magazine - Cool guitar magazine online
Renegade OLGA Archive - An OLGA site that's still up!
Harmony Central Guitar Resources - This place is great! It has product reviews, software, and the latest news in the world of guitars and music.
Web Riffs - Record yourself playing guitar and upload it here for others to hear.
Gravis1's Page o' Funny Stuffs! - This page is packed with the funniest stuffs!


Album Title
Song Title

You are dude # to be on my page since Oct 98.

Last major(minor) update 10/09/99

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