Australia, NSW, Blue Mountains, Evans Lookout Road to Govetts Leap


GDA66 UTM Topo map with GPS track superimposed on with a few waypoints.


WGS 84
WaypointDescriptionDegrees SDegrees EGMTLocalHeight (M)
302Car Park33.651220150.31425003-MAR-00 23:0610:061000
303Stream crossing33.654830150.31469003-MAR-00 23:3710:37880
JROCKJunction Rock33.631190150.33534004-MAR-00 02:4013:40360
304Cross to Braeside track33.632360150.31321004-MAR-00 07:3018:30920
305Exit - pick up point33.640290150.30602004-MAR-00 07:4918:49970

Elapsed time: 8 hours 55 minutes

Sunrise 06:49

Sunset: 19:31

About 12 Kilimeters round trip


WITS Staff: pg, ts, r?, ri

Getting There

From Sydney City, a 2 hour drive to Evans Lookout Road, slighty past Katoomba.


  1. 3 litres Water
  2. Lunch
  3. Rain jacket in case of rain

The Walk

Parking at Evans Lookout Road. The first 2 hours are a pleasant descent into the valley. Beauchamp falls next. A relatively easy run to Junction Rock for Lunch. Take a left towards Govetts Leap, ascending slowing towards the spectacular Bridal Veil falls and cliff tops. Look for any marked "X" and arrows as there are a few creek crossings. From the base of the falls ascend left to right along cliff face, with guide rails and steps provided for the difficult sections. Toilets are at the top at lookup, another good hour or more along easy track back to the car. R walked ahead to the car to pick up the remaining party at the exit waypoint, mainly to save some time as it was starting to get dark.

GPS Notes

No Satellite lock in deep sections of canyon - not an issue really as there is only two ways to navigate, forwards or backwards. Good signal on medium forest flats to junction rock. Wandering red blobs at junction rock and lookout as I forgot to turn off the GPS and the US military "selective availability" program was in good effect.

