Welcome to Eric's Strangemud Page

(Please excuse the mess, it is currently under construction)

First of all I better explain what Strangemud is. Strangemud is the best MUD on the planet. Oh, you don't know what a MUD is? Better explain that first. A MUD is a Multi-User Dungeon. Strangemud is one of many MUDs. It is a text-based adventure game. People from all over the world play. The object is to get your characters to be the highest level possible. Along the journey, you will have to avoid death, DT's (death traps) and other obstacles. In the end, it is a great way to make new friends from all over the world.

My Characters
Rudy Lvl. 45 Vampire (Mage/Warrior Specialization)
Cube Lvl. 45 Oracle (Cleric/Mage Specialization)
Ice Lvl. 45 Ruffian (Warrior/Thief Specialization)
Dave Lvl. 45 Monk (Cleric Specialization)
Howdy Lvl. 29* Thief (Thief Non-Specialization)
*level is always changing, most current level at time of publication is shown.

Last Revised Oct. 13, 1998 1