titre_bildtexte.gif (25747 bytes)

AusrufezeichenA6C.gif (1443 bytes)This Site is
still at work.
Just be patient.

my name is Jean-Cedric Dougoud and I am 25 years old (25.03.72). I´m Swiss and actually living in Salzburg (Austria).
I wrote these pages for me, to present myself, and for you, to discover .... my world.

I´m working for 1,5 year in Salzburg as webmaster and system administrator for Datenbahn Gmb.
I also worked with videoconferencing system and ISDN-tools. You can find informations and links about it, here !

Contents :

Hotlist :

Personal Interest :

I enjoy flying, discovering new
country, new people
and foreign culture.

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"A healthy mind in a healthy body"

Computer Games
Time to work and time to .......PLAY!!!

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Some good times that we had here in salzburg or during my last Holidays...
Just take a look, it´s free <:-)

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Dougoud Jean-Cédric
Ruz d´Agiez 2
CH-1350 ORBE

Phone No

Fax No

Copyright © 1997 Dougoud J.-C. All rights reserved.
Last modified : August 31, 1997 by Dougoud Jean-Cedric