
The Calgary Zoo

Rocky Mountain Habitat

This habitat opened just last year. It is a replica of the Rocky Mountains and exhibits Mountain Goats, Bighorn Sheep and Dahl's Sheep.

GoatMountain Goats

Mountain Goats have been known to drop 10 m (30 ft.) to a lower rock ledge without injuring themselves. They can stand comfortably with all four feet clinging to a rock no bigger than a mans outstretched hand. Mountain Goats are the most versatile climbers of all North American mammals.


Bighorn SheepBighorn Sheep

All bighorn sheep have horns but the large curl of the adult male horns is most impressive.

While mountain goats are found at rocky heights, bighorn sheep use the slopes at lower elevations. Herds of these sheep can be found on grassy pastures close to steep escape terrain.

Bighorn sheep are found in a variety of mountain habitats ranging from sem-deserts to forest. In Canada, they are found in the central and southern mountains of Alberta and British Columbia.

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