blank string if($mystring =~ /^\s*$/) {...}  # Is $mystring blank?
foreach @a=(1,2,3,4,5);
foreach $element (@a){
  print $element;
pattern matching $mystring =~ m/sheep/; # True if $mystring contains "sheep"
$mystring !~ m/sheep/;
$mystring =~ s/old/new/; # Replace old with new.
$mystring =~ /\bsheep\b/i; # Boundary and case insensitive
strict; use strict;
Using "use strict" will require the variables to be made private with the "my" operator. This avoids accidentally overwriting same-named variables in the main program.
use strict 'vars';
use vars qw($fee $fie $foe $foo @sic); # allow listed variables global
triming # Triming leading and trailing white spaces:
$mystring =~ s/^\s+//;
$mystring =~ s/\s+$//;
Sample #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Env;
use DBI;
$dbd = 'Oracle';
require 'pl_include.perl';
require 'lib_err_log.perl';
die unless(env('DATA_DIR'));
die unless($ENV{PATH});
usage() if ($#ARGV != 4);
my ($dbinstance , $user, $project, $file_in, $file_out ) = @ARGV;
chomp ($password = );

$datadir = $ENV{DATA_DIR};

open (FILEIN, "sort -t~ -k 4,4 $file_in |") || die "Can't open $file_in. Program stoped!\n\n";

$sql = "select FirstName, LastName from Employee where DEPT = :A";

$conn = DBI->connect ($dbinstance, $user, $password, $dbd);
if (!$conn) {
die "Error while trying to connect to database; $DBI::errstr\n";

$cur = $conn->prepare($sql);
die "Error preparing Select statement; $DBI::errstr\n" if ($DBI::err);
$cur->bind_param_inout( ":A", \$DepartmentID, 24); # Bind once.

while (defined ( $line = )) {
#$cur->bind_param( ":A", $DepartmentID ); Use "bind_param_inout" instead.
  @InputRec = split(/~/, $line . "fake~");
  # Process record here...