The Tech Bench Elmers' Amateur Radio Society was established in February of 1992. This group combined to facilitate the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of Amateur Radio at large. We embrace a circumscription of present "state of the art" technology, as well as that perspective allowed by a knowledge of radio's history.
The Tech Bench Elmers' group is interested in and also committed to the process of applying technology. For this reason we explore not only those facets of technology as they might relate to the practice of Amateur Radio or radio in general but, also those facets of the process that impel industry. This is not because our motivation is to profit in the pecuniary sense, but rather to profit in the intrinsic or ethereal. Ether, is afterall the expression or first description used to explain the medium that allowed radio waves to propagate!
Our activities are focused or oriented to enhancing our knowledge of this process. In the past we have sponsored Antenna Tests, seminar gatherings for the discussion of radio design, and other activities to simply promote or protect the existence of Amateur Radio. We have also arranged tours of certain industrial institutions to gain a better overall knowledge and perspective of the practical aspects of design and planning.
Specific activities or tours have included,
Erection of a 2600 foot long wire "Half Rhombic" antenna to explore facets of the antennas design.
A number of antenna design tests and measurements within the VHF and UHF radio spectrum.
Tours of the 1 million Volt direct current transmission line operated by the Bonneville Power Administration in conjunction with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power,
L.A. DWP Power Station #1 as well as the Castaic Lake "Peaking" Power Plant
The "Voice of America" short-wave broadcast and relay transmitter site near Delano, California
Southern California Edison's "Big Creek" hydro-electric facility,
The A. D. Edmonston pumping facility which is part of the California Aqueduct and Water Project
Ball Corporation, manufacturers of a wide range of glass products as well as other technologic ventures
The "Very Large Array" astronomical facility operated by the National Radio Astronomy Astronomical Observatories, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, and NASA
Kitt Peak Observatories operated by the National Optical Astronomic Observatories.
KTTV television studio and transmitter sites
KTLA television studio and transmitter sites
KCBS television studio and transmitter sites