Plans have been moving along, albeit at a slower pace than we
would have preferred, with the Microwave Data Project.
Pursuant both to this project and other goals within the Tech
Bench Elmers ARS, we are proceeding with the financial matters
and considerations that were discussed at the most recent Microwave
Data Project meeting.
The moneys that were discussed at this meeting need to be deposited
in the Tech Bench Elmers ARS bank account.
If you have not already done so, please present a check in the
amount of $20.00 Dollars to the, Tech Bench Elmers Amateur
Radio Society. This is the initial startup seed money to
initiate the venture.
Mail your check to:
The Tech Bench Elmers A.R.S.
P.O. Box 1112
Sierra Madre, CA. 91025
Include with this check a notation of your name, callsign, accurate mailing address, telephone number (including area code) , and if appropriate your e-mail address. While it is assumed that most of this information will be on your check, please include a note with the remainder of this information! Be sure to write Microwave Data Project in the check memo area!
* The More of the Story!
Following posting of the above announcement in early October (!),
I was asked to elaborate upon this project. Let me give some of
the project history, including how and why it got started, and
what new comers should do to become involved. Also, what the old
comers MUST do if they want this project to proceed!
Several months ago we gained access to a quantity of 10 GHz. Gunnplexers. In the original use, these devices were utilized as a component part of security systems. They were of particular interest in that they were both well designed and provided a "flange connection" for a wave-guide or transmission line coupling. To put these to use for Ham communication, an Intermediate Frequency, or I.F. system is required for the receiver, and a Modulator is required for the Gunnplexers transmitter.
These can be easily constructed, and the free cost of the Gunnplexer
made the expense of putting together such an I.F. and Modulator
quite attractive.
We intend to proceed by providing kits including a printed circuit
board or PCB, and the parts to build both the I.F. and the Modulator.
The finished 10 GigaHertz transceiver will operate from a 12 volt
power source and, with the right sort of even a small antenna,
will be capable of communications over hundreds of miles. When
modulated simply via any variety of analog inputs, the transceiver
is capable of such modes as FM voice or television. With the addition
of a high speed digital modem that is also under design, the Gunnplexer
can provide "Internet like data speeds" wirelessly.
We began this project soliciting the interest of other Hams. Initially
this was about a dozen people. In the interim we have distributed
about a half dozen Gunplexers, and obtained 15 more. Those who
purchase a kit, and complete it are eligible to receive a Gunnplexer
as they become available. These Gunnplexers are typically in the
10 to 20 milliwatt output range, and dish antennas appear on the
surplus markets or at swap meets more and more frequently. 30
Decibel gain and more can be achieved from relatively small dishes.
The initial projected cost for the kit was estimated at $200.00
Dollars. This figure represents the appraised cost that will be
incurred by our club upon implementing a small order, assuming
about 20 to 30 units. Our costs go down as the quantity increases,
and these cost expenditures will be available for review. Our
club doesn't intend to make any profit on this project. If the
PCB and parts cost us $200.00 Dollars per unit, that is the cost
we pass along. If the quantity increases, the unit cost will shrink
proportionately, and the price of the kit will go down commensurately.
We have no projected total number of units at this time. Seed
money collected is applied toward the total expenditure.
We encourage you to follow the progress of this project. This
can be done at scheduled and announced "Data Project meetings",
which are done on our web page and during weekly Sunday evening
nets. This information is also available on our web page under
the hypertext link "microwave data project". Don't discuss
money matters on the radio!
Please try to keep appraised and cognizant of this project as
it progresses. We can best serve and fulfill the desires and aspirations
of those who are active in this effort and stay informed! Previously
committed participants need to get us their seed money!
By the way, one of the checks we received earlier bounced! This
puts a cost or debt on our club that we cannot bear! We will seek
at least the return cost of any such bad checks that can't clear
the bank, even if the contributor decides they do not wish to
proceed with the project. For such occasions where such a contributors
check finally does clear the bank, and they continue with the
project, any of these bank costs will be added to that persons
cost! Please make sure your check will clear the bank, the first
time it is deposited!
Click here for more info on MDP activities.