We planned to do this by performing tests on Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) in the 70 centimeter wavelength band. By using this very short wavelength we were able to effectively get the antennas three times higher than at the longer wavelength of 2 Meters. By then observing the radiation characteristics of antennas situated first 10 wavelengths above the lake bed, and next within 1/2 wavelength of the dry lake we intended to observe the refractory properties of the lake. Unfortunately Mother Nature conspired to work against us, and rain interrupted the tests before we could make the sharp angle lower elevation tests. I also discovered some problems with a couple of the reference antennas and repaired those on Monday.
On Sunday we conducted some tests with a pair of four element Cubical Quad antennas manufactured by Cubix. Dee, KD6IES had purchased these antennas directly from Cubix, and also obtained a 2 port Bazooka Balun type phasing device. Our aim was to check out the gain characteristics of both a single antenna, and also find the optimum phasing separation distance and gain of two antennas.
Cubix had recommended that the proper stacking dimension would be about 1 wavelength (80.9 inches at 146.0 MHz). Based on this Dee had fabricated a bracket arrangement so as to be able to slide the antennas apart at measured distances. We began at the same dimension as the antenna boom length, and started making comparative gain measurements by moving the antennas apart at 1/8 wavelength increments. The hardware Dee had made would not allow the antennas to be separated further than about 1 1/4 wavelengths, but this seemed to prove out the assessment from Cubix. The signal gain increased with aperture and peaked as we approached 82 inches (2. 083 meters or 1 wavelength at 144.0 MHz.) At 1.25 wavelengths the signal started to decline by about a 1/2 "S" unit. We made this measurement on the log scale S meter of a Yaesu FT-736R. Signals even at peak readings were kept below the AGC compression level of the Automatic Gain Control.
The comparative gain as referenced over a single quad was measured at 4.5 Decibels (dB's). I don't have a conclusive explanation for this reading. The gain figure should be 3.0 dB's correlating with a doubling of antenna aperture. I cross checked these readings using either my signal generator, or my Hewlett Packard "CO8-355C" 1 dB per step attenuator. The readings by both these methods correlated within a tolerance of 1 dB, that is 5.5 from the signal generator, or 4.5 via the step attenuator. Of the two methods greater confidence can I believe be had from the "HP" stepped attenuator.
One possible explanation is that we actually adjusted the antenna beyond a doubling of aperture, and accomplished the combined gain of a long base interferometer. Another explanation might be that both the signal generator and the attenuator are providing inaccurate readings. I seriously doubt this second explanation is the case.
The measured Front to Back (F/B) attenuation ratio of this antenna arrangement was measured at 11.5 dB's plus or minus 1/2 a Decibel. The gain of a single quad will be measured at the upcoming two meter beam antenna tests later in May and compared as referenced to a dipole antenna. I would also like to repeat the same test as performed in January.
We had also planned to erect a kite supported 160 Meter wavelength vertical wire antenna. We did this and to a large measure learned what we had expected. That is primarily that we are going to have to do a little more work on learning the art of flying kite supported wire antennas!
The overall results were excellent, I have never before heard signals so loud on 160! We did however snap the antenna wire after having the antenna in the air for only about 20 minutes. The winds were unbelievable! I did have the opportunity to hook up with an old friend who I had lost track of about 25 years ago. It seems he has become quite an aficionado on both 160 and 80 meters in the Dallas Washington area.
On Monday I cut the Copper Beryllium antenna wire for 5/8 wavelength on 40 meters and planned to get the kite up in the air again when the afternoon winds came up. The day had been perfectly calm, and in fact got quite warm by mid-day. The winds did not pick up enough to launch my 11 foot wingspan kite until after sundown. I was out on my own by this time, as everyone else had left by Sunday afternoon.
The kite went up well, and I slipped a plastic ribbed insulator on the kite line at about the 500 foot mark. I was just getting the "Transmatch" hooked up to the wire after securing the kite when I noticed the kite line was down. I walked the 700 feet of line I had paid out and found the kite amongst creosote bushes northeast of the dry lake. The winds had gotten so strong that the fiberglass spar of the kites wing had broken in half. The kite is designed to do this so as to save itself from being shredded. Still, I was out of business for that evening, and frankly out of energy!
In May I would like to put up the kite again on 40 meters, and have laid out a plan to accomplish this with better ease and success!