This is an article that as I sit down to type I'm not looking forward to writing the rest! Many of you have chastised me for what happened to the microwave projects failure, and to the general lack of updates to our web page. You may have some room to gripe about the page but, you just can't appreciate all that happened regarding the microwave effort. To plead some defense, I had some pretty awful things happen in my life but, thats now water under the bridge.
I'm very sorry that the effort that went into designing the circuitry for the 50 MHz. I.F. board has not gone farther. Thats not the designers fault, he did a great job! I'm sorry that at the last we lost quite a bit of inertia with the Gunnplexers, thats my fault! In any case the microwave project is now if not dead, its certainly down for the count!
Maybe it can be revived? If so, I will not take any active roll to impede it, and I will help only by supplying all the documentation and design data that was amassed during the halcyon days of the first effort. In answer to some of those European folks that contacted us - NO, WE DON'T WANT TO SIMPLY SELL GUNNPLEXERS - that was never even close to the point! My basic thought is that just about no one ever really got the point of what was needed to make the project succeed! Maybe I'm wrong.
In any case I regret that this project is probably finished. To our circuit design engineer, and to the guys that helped us with the Gunnplexers, maybe someday I'll tell you the whole story. I would prefer however to leave that in the past!