

Lady Di
This song is my special tribute to Princess Diana, who died in tragic circumstances. She brought comfort to those in need, and took advantage of her mediatic exposure to call the world's attention to the plagues of our times, such as Aids or landmines. God bless her and may she rest in peace.

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Lady Di

Once upon a time
In a kingdom not far away
Lived a princess so sublime
As the sun that lights our day

To the needed she gave love and care
Always heeded those in despair
Children, young or old
Never left them out in the cold

Goodbye Lady Di
Watch for us up in the sky
The way you did when you were here
Goodbye Lady Di
We still keep our hopes up high
And for us you're always near

She died in a high speed chase
Moved by those whom she fed
A truly tragic case
Which made the world so sad

They say that this fair princess
Never found true happiness
To the homeless she showed happier times
Helped fight Aids, Cancer and landmines

Goodbye Lady Di
Watch for us up in the sky
The way you did when you were here
Goodbye Lady Di
We still keep our hopes up high
And for us you're always near

Goodbye Lady Di
Watch for us up in the sky
The way you did when you were here
Goodbye Lady Di
We still keep our hopes up high
And for us you're always near

Lyrics and music by Joaquim Lé

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© 1997 Joaquim Lé

The GeoSongs - Crafted since December, 1996, by Joaquim Lé
WWW page created by Joaquim Lé