Java Nibbles:

I haven't actually worked all that much in Java yet, so my Java is not as good as it might be. i think it's goo enough for this though. I also have Nibbles in C++ and that one is much more mature.

I have decided to put nibbles on my page in every state of its development. Thus you will be able to see as I test each of the parts of the program. Unfortunately for you underscreened ones out there, nibbles was designed to run at a 800x600 resolution. If your monitor can't handle that, don't you think it's time you get a better one anyway? Either way, click inside the arena to start and then use the arrow keys to move the snake. I hope you will enjoy playing this. For those of you that don't know nibbles, where have you been all your lives? This is only the greatest game ever!


Use the arrow keys to move the snake around and 'p' or 'P' to pause. All that you have to do is eat all the numbers with your snake. Colliding with the wall or a part of your body results in a minor case of death. After every number your snake becomes longer and thus more difficult to use. After you've eaten the '9', you move onto the next stage which has more walls and as such is more difficult. There's a points bonus at the end of every stage.

To get the source code for Nibbles, either the Java or the C++ version. Or to report bugs in Nibbles (yeah, right, as if I have bugs! :-) ) or anything else on this site in fact, mail me. My address is at the bottom of the page.
