What the '95' in windoz 95 really stands for...
1. The number of floppies it ships on.
2. The percentage of people who will have to upgrade their hardware.
3. The number of megabytes of hard disk space required.
4. The number of pages in the "EASY INSTALL" version of the manual.
5. The percentage of existing programs that won't run in the new OS.
6. The number of minutes to install.
7. The number of calls to tech support before you can get it to run.
8. The number of people who will actually PAY for the upgrade.
9. The MHz required for the OS to run.
10. The number of patches they will release for it.
11. The number of days it is before they release a new version.
12. The number of man-years of testing it took to debug it.
13. How much percent the price will have to be reduced before anyone thinks of buying it.
14. The number of screen-savers included in the package.
15. How many seconds of use it takes to realise you've been had.
16. How much percent slower your machine will run under the new OS.
17. How many billion $ Bill intends to make from this.
18. How many dollars he will.
19. The amount in million $ Bill spent on advertising it.
20. How much percent mac sales will increase by after people see a demo of it.
Everything. I disclaim responsibility from everything, ever. So there.
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