Picture : Ariel (Little Mermaid), Rinoa (Final Fantasy), and a character  from GUNDAM.



                Girls..they just wanna have fun....right?! I  remembered somethin' that Christina Aguilera sang......u know...."what a girl wants...what a girl needs...".Well, every time I hear that song I would say to myself..."what a girl gets isn't what a girl wants..."so I started creating one whole new song of my own....that is exactly the opposite of what she was singing..:P. Anyway....girls nowadays are soooo stupid...and thats a FACT. Well, not all of them...but some. They are sooo stupid for running after guys. Guys should run after us....right?! Girl power! Guys sometimes are so ego...that I prefer to refer to them as 'egomaniac'. Yes...sometimes I would refer to them as cute, handsome, tough, smart or whatever (although Shania Twain would say 'that don't impress me much..').......but when I actually get to know them....they didn't turn out the way I expect them to. Girls should say to themselves..."Hey! I'm not as ugly as Monalisa (or whoever that comes to mind).....why should I go after him? He's not really that cute (even if he is).....I should play hard to get...then they'll know how girls really want to be treated - like a princess." Some guys treats girls as if we were clinging on to them...that we're  a burden....THEY ARE WRONG!!! They are so wrong. OK, ok, so, if you really like this cute guy..and he ignored your feelings for can keep on tryin'...just don't let too many people know about it.....: ) Girl! Dignity comes  first. 

Once somebody told me about Vida (a girl) and Rab (a boy),,, this girl Vida loves Rab sooo much that she ended up telling Rab about it. And did you know what Rab told her? Rab told her that he's not ready for a relationship.....he wants to spend more times hangin' out with his friends.....he's just wasn't ready to be committed to anybody yet.Vida knew that he was always flirting with almost every girl he met.Vida was soo frustrated...she didn't eat nor did she sleep....weeks after that...Rabs' friend told her that Rab liked her too.....but when she ask Rab about usual he denied everything.  Vida really didn't understand why would his friend lie to her...and how did his friend knew about it anyway.....confused, Vida decided to stay away  as far as she could from Rab. Why can't Rab just tell her what she wanna hear? Why can't Rab just confess to her how he really feels? Why can't Rab just face her and tell her the truth? Why must Rab ask his friend to talk to Vida? Why is Rab always ignoring her now? Why? Why? Why?..........All these questions have only one answer....guys are egomaniac! Thats the truth...even if most of them denies it...that is still the whole truth and nothin' but the truth. I also think that he's just another left turn to her Mr Right...know what I mean? Anyway, Vida told me that she changed her mind, he wasn't what she expected....he fools around with loads of other girls and Vida just don't want that kinda guy ruin her life. But if he came to her and ask for a second chance and change his bad attitude...hmm...she might consider him. That's what girls nowadays are worried about...they couldn't get to the guy they love....they have to run after them......guys nowadays played hard to get...well they shouldn't! 'Cause thats a girls thing.....girls should play hard to get and guys don't. It would be better if everybody is know what I mean?! 

Ughh!! Anyway advise to you is....stay away from scrubs and egomaniac. They are all 'dangerous' in their very own way. Good luck!! Chowzz!!! 




A bachelor girl spent most of a Saturday afternoon preparing a gourmet dinner for a boy friend. He ate it with obvious pleasure, then said, "That seemed like one of the best meals I've ever eaten. My body chemistry must have been just right."

- "Almanac" in Minneapolis Tribune