Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with 1.4 million members in more than 44,000 clubs in approximately 191 countries and geographical areas. Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes. The Canal Winchester Lions have been helping their community for 69 years!
Globally Lions Clubs have:
Funded 47 eye clinics and hospitals that are completed or under construction. (One is located in Columbus!)
Provided more than 1,022,000 cataract surgeries.
Allowed more than six million patients to be screened for eye disease.
Lions annually collect more than three million pairs of old, unwanted eyeglasses for free distribution to the poor in developing countries.
The Canal Winchester, Lions:
Support local families with eye care needs.
Perform community beautification projects.
Sponsor a Christmas party for local youths.
Sponsor the Canal Winchester Leo Club, a community service club for high school students.