No minors (under the age of 18), no fundaMENTALISTS of any kind, no law enforcement officers, no censorship advocates or agents are permitted to enter.
The symbol X is an ancient symbol that stood for the union of the upward pointing triangle (the phallus or lingam, the male principle: Shiva) and the downward pointing triangle (the vagina or yoni, the female principle: Shakti). Ironically it was used as a secret sign by early Judeo-Xian initiates (see Margaret Starbird's excellent scholarship on this subject) and is closely related to the Star of David which is a variant of the same symbol. In any case, the modern monotheistic fundamentalist heresies, in their fear of the mysteries, sexuality, and of knowledge of human origins, have taken the venerable symbol to symbolize the "forbidden fruit..." We here at Axis Mundi are proud to bear/bare this ancient symbol and deplore the ignorance of the puritanical monists.
Please do not continue if you are offended by sexuality, traditional polytheistic religion, under the age of 18, or otherwise bound by puer mentality. Do not continue if discussion of these topics may offend your community's standards... Please leave in peace and take your god with you...