Rui Anastacio, Fev 1999
An easy way to keep, view and edit text files.
Tcl/Tk Script. Multiplatform
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Page by Rui Anastácio PROJECTS: Agenda, Starters for Linux Number of visits:
Organizer lets you browse trough books, sections and pages. The page editor saves pages automatically wich makes changes very easy and fast.Book - Each book as a name and a directory. This directory is the root for that book. Section - All the subdirectories below the book directory. Page - All files inside a section.
With organizer you are motivated to use text files, something UNIX users like to do.
Text files can be used to buid help systems. For example, if you have information to share with other users you can buid a book in your home directory (with read only in the pages) and add an entry to the booklists of the other users. This way they can read you information but cannot modify it..
A Book is a directory structure with lots of text files. Books can be written to facilitate acess to text files using links. For example, you can create a book with links to the most commonly edited text files. This would centralyze the information to one book. You don't need to jump from directory to directory anymore to edit system files.
TO RUN Organizer you need Tcl/Tk 8 installed on your system.
GO UPWrite books that can have interest to others and make them available. Send me a copy and I will put it in this page. Changes in the script. Improvements, bugs etc.