This is one of the coolest features Pirch has. You can set up your web browser to work from inside Pirch. No, this does not mean you have to be using Pirch to surf. It means you can talk and surf at the same time! You can also auto grab url's, instead of scrambling for paper and pen each time someone puts up a site for you to visit! This is also a great way to let your friends on irc know that you have a site or to share an interesting site you've found with them.

To set your browser up:
Click on the WWW button, it will open a window like the one shown here. If you do not know the exact location of your browser click on the right arrow (Browser/Name Location) .

A new window will open. That looks something like this. See where it says Look in? If you click on that arrow it will open up a box giving you the option to choose the drive and the path. If you are familiar with the Find option in Win95 or File Manager in Win3.x you can get the path that way too.

Once you have the full path, enter it into the area provided by clicking on the exe of your browser. Next, check both the Catch url's from chat and Purge unvisited url's . Finally, in the drop down box, next to Web Browser click on your browsers name. Click on the Done box. Now you are set to chat and surf!
You can click on a URL on the screen or open WWW, click on the site you want to visit and choose Goto. To add in your favorite URL's, open WWW, choose ADD, a window will open with a place for your to type it in, click on OK.

Get your free homepage today.