A PIL (Pirch Interpreted Language) is a set of commands that allow you to manipulate text, protect yourself from flooding, do a channel count or whatever the writer defines. They are very easy to use and can be alot of fun too. You can find some great PIL's at The Pil Page but for now let's learn how to add and use them.

How To Add A PIL
First you need to download some :)

It is now added, you will find it at the bottom of the list in the Aliases. It will be enclosed in [brackets], like so. When you click on the PIL name the actual script will appear on the right in the Command Definition side of the window. For my example I am going to use Screen Designer by Icarus. Most PIL's have instructions at the beginning. As you can see below the instructions say you need to type /runscript [designer] create to run the script. Truthfully, I think that is way too much to have to type just to run a script, not to mention trying to remember it all! Here is where Aliases come in.

Making an Aliases to run a PIL
A time, finger and memory saver.

Now, when you want to use this PIL you just have to type /des and it will open up. Much easier, huh? Some PIL's have lines you need to add to your Events to make them work properly. In this case, set up the PIL as we did above. Then, working between the Aliases and Events windows copy and paste the lines in. Don't forget to click save before you close the Events window or all of your hard work will be for nothing.

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