M Web Magazine 007 (June 5, 1998 - September 4, 1998)

London Summer Social


It is here again, timed perfectly to discuss the World Cup incidents !!. The sponsors will provide refreshments including the FIRST Drink !! Don’t miss it.

This years London Social Evening is again sponsored by QMI Limited and George James Software.

Venue: The Globe
Upstairs function room
Corner of London Wall and Moorgate
10 yards from Moorgate Tube station
Address: 83 Moorgate
London EC2M 6SA
Tel: 0171 786 9241
Date: Thursday 16th July 1998
Time: 18:00 to Late

Representatives from Micronetics Consulting SA and Intersystems Europe are expected to attend.

All MTA UK&I members and friends invited. Come and enjoy a super evening.

Please email or fax the MTA UK&I office if you are attending, giving your name and likely numbers attending in your party.

MTA UK&I Fax: 014994 564455/email: info@mtauki.co.uk

Contact Information

Ravi Bhatt
45 Beech Street
London EC2Y 8AD

Tel +44 171 614 4825
Fax: +44 171 614 4801

e-mail: ravi@qmi.co.uk
URL: http://www.qmi.co.uk