Here are a few definitions for TP7 programming.
When I say a few I mean a FEW!
I haven't had the time to work on it .
1) integer: an integer is a numeric variable which cannot support decimals and which ranges form approximativly -32,000 to 32,000.
2) writeln: writeln is a statement that tells the computer to write your text.
It cannot be too long.
This is how it works:
writeln('Your text');
3) clrscr: this command clears your screen.
It requires the crt unit.
4) crt: crt is a unit which enables you to use certain commands such as clrscr.
5) graph: graph is a unit which allows you to use graphics such as circles, ellipses, rectangles, lines, 3dbars, etc.
6) if... then clauses: if...then clauses are used to say that if a certain statement is verified then something should happen.
For example if you wanted you computer to write hello if X is equal to 200 the if...then close would look like this:
if (x=200) then
7) delay: the delay function is used to delay something a certain time. It will delay the statement it preceeds.
For example:
This would delay the computer from writing hello.
8) string: a string is a varriable that enables to store sentences of a certain length.
For example you could do a program which would write hello world but using varibles.
It would look like this:
program helloworld;
uses crt;
x:=hello world;
9) constant : a constant is a value you assign to something ( for example x=200 ) and that value will not change throughout the program.
10) variable : a variable is a sort of definition you assign to something, for example x:integer, this would mean that x is an integer ( so x can be any number ranging from -32,000 to 32,000 ) and you can change the value of x throughout the program.