
Two slice Acorn RiscPC computer, 200Mhz StrongARM processor running RISC OS 4.02 with 48MB DRAM and 2MB VRAM.

Hard discs:
2GB Micropolis SCSI [now deceased...]
1GB Quantum FireBall SCSI
1GB Iomega Jaz SCSI
Iomega Zip
8GB ide.

Other hardware:
40x CDROM drive
Cumana SCSI-2
CC LaserDirect
Kyocera FS-680 laser printer
Epson Stylus Pro A4 colour printer
ViewSonic 21PS monitor
Canon A4 colour scanner
Canon Powershot digital camera
Yashica Samurai 1300DG digital camera

The PC:
Pentium II 450 running SuSE Linux 6.1 and Windows 98.
128MB ram.
32MB GeForce2 GTS video.

Rob Davison
9th October 1999 Back Home 1