This suite of programs was at one stage going to be a commercial product. Due to a number of factors (Composition being one of them) it never reached release. Clares have generously allowed me to release it as freeware.
Please Note! Neither Clares nor the Author can provide support for these programs. If you are really desperate email *me*. Please do NOT contact Clares regarding this software.
This software may not be modified in any way. It may not be included on magazine cover discs, ftp sites, BBS filebases, CDROMs or form part of any commercial or public domain product without the express permission of the Author.
Right, thats the boring stuff out of the way.
The programs mostly come with documentation included in the Archive. For example, Linker includes an Impression document of 1.1MB (when uncompressed).
Rob Davison
27 July 1998
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