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AB8A's Home Page

Life, Liberty, and the Internet___Life, Liberty, Internet___

The most important things in life are free - just work hard to keep them.

What? Another crummy home page? This ain't the worst in the world..., check out some of the other leaders for the worst.
Or how about this one, a really big button that does NOTHING! There are some other sites around the world that might hold ones attention for a while... what are your favorites?

Aardvark's Cyber Telegraph My geeky view. A potporri of interests; ham radio, web, computing, technologies, social, political, and personal change.
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Amateur Radio - Ham Radio around the world.
Freeware - Free software and maybe some that's almost free.
Webpage Resources - Webpage development and maintenance stuff.
Audio Resources - Audio on a web page.

Try this to search for a common word, such as, "road" or "highway". Remember only part of a song, and don't know the performer? You'll be surprised at the number of titles returned! Have a great search.


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