Hi, it's in black and white for a reason.*S*

Ardent Harbor is a setting for CHANGELING: the Dreaming, a White-Wolf game. Legal nods will be given elsewhere. It's my sincerest hope that folks will come here to PLAY, that is, this place will be a place to forget stress and worry, not gain it.

Ardent Harbor's focus is not just the Changelings themselves, but the Dreamers they inspire. You can play Dreamers, potiential Dreamers, Kinain, and, of course, Kithain. In fact, it's encouraged. If you have Dreamers on your character's background, this is a chance to make that person more than a dot. Other concepts/types might be allowed, but take it easy with the Prodigals if you would, at least in Ardent Harbor itself.

I'm the final authority for this site, however, I am open to suggestions, opinions, and ideas. In fact, without them this place wouldn't be here. There are numerous ways to contact me, E-mail, ICQ, or Yahoo Messanger to start. Furthermore, if you feel wronged by myself somehow, I would really prefer you let me know one on one and in polite terms. Chances are, I merely stuck my foot in my mouth again.

Guidelines for Play on this Site:

1. Be nice, or at least try to be. Naturally, In Character, courtesy isn't an iron clad rule, though even then, rudeness can give IC consequences. However, Out of Character, we're all adults, or near adults anyways. We can be cordial. We can do without snide lurker comments just because we might not approve of or agree with someone's own style. If somehow it's gotten so bad between you and someone else that it's past time to mince words, take it to ICQ, E-mail, or some other private medium. Yes, I've had to remind myself of this one in the past.

2. Please, know the setting. I don't expect you to have a map in your head, or be able to read back a room description word for word. Still, things like Jude's interpretation of the Escheat, or a few general features would be ICly known by those who frequent the place. It's pretty easy going, and on the other hand, I hope no one is anal enough to rip your head off for having your character exit stage right, when there IS no exit that way. Life's too short to worry about that. One thing I WILL repeat is that part of the nature of this place is that the Banal soon forget about even it's mortal side, think of it as sort of side effect of the mists.

3. This is a highly Unmoderated site. Though I hope to run a few stories here and there, we all have lives, and I won't be here a lot. This should not stop your fun for stories you or your friends want to run here. All I ask is you make no major changes to the setting (Yes, Demolitions could take out ANY freehold logically, but it does spoil the fun for us), main NPCs, or other PCs without their consent. Also, any Ravaging plots IN AH, please check with me first. Given the Viscount's nature, there are far more eyes watching for that then you might think. Thanks.

4. Your characters are yours. I will not maul, kill, change, curse, hex, fold or spindle them without your consent nor should anyone else. This is the flip side of the above. Naturally, if you repeatedly ignore all IC consequences, and begin to descend into what others consider unfair, don't be surprised if you are given the universal cold shoulder.

5. I'll be the final judge, and jury on the site. I've put some work into it, and hope to put more. Not all of you are going to agree with my interpretations on the rules, and while a bit of friendly debate is fine (Hey, you might teach me something) if I listen to your points, and still tell you that's my call, well, that's my call. Go with it, and maybe write me an e-mail later on it.

6. Keep it PG-13 on the public chats. 'Ardent' bespeaks to the name of the fictional Dreamer who made this fictional Park, not to more carnal practices. It's not a Fiona Hold ;)

7. VERY sorry, but White Wolf games are not for kids, while I realize you maybe remarkably mature for your age (after all, there are lots of adults who are immature for theirs) due to the often convuluted world we live in, and the subjects that get sometimes a bit dark even on this often upbeat site, I am making it a rule that you must be at least 16 to play at Ardent Harbor. Childling characters are welcome, but Children players are a different matter.

8. Whatever unfair tyrannical addendum I choose to add on.*S*

Anyways, that's about it for now. I hope I didn't come across as pushy or a push-over. I want this to be fun for you, and, I'd be lying if I didn't say, fun for me too. Happy Dreaming.

Back to the FUN stuff...

E-mail me here on AH related stuff, thanks.

Or, even better, subscribe to the Ardent Harbor mail group and help us grow. Thanks even more :)